Ode to the Yellow River ppt:[Newnet Teacher’s Day Narrative 20230223] Wang Liling: Walking in the River of Joy-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

[Newnet Teacher’s Day Narrative 20230223] Wang Liling: Walking in the River of Joy

When you do one thing at a time with concentration and the depth of your soul When things happen, a river of joy will flow through your heart.


As a teacher, your daily work is similar. Preparing lessons, attending classes, correcting, and tutoring are ordinary and trivial, which can easily lead to job burnout. But if we are destined to be with this job, why not change our mentality and do these trivial things with concentration and joy? Beauty is created in the trivial.

Wake up the dawn with reading

Early in the morning, I still opened my eyes despite the alarm clock , another full night’s sleep. Open WeChat to read and continue reading "Shishuoxinyu". You can read a few articles every day while lying in bed. Speed ​​is not important, persistence is important. This is a reading that started during the winter vacation, because when I was teaching the previous round of textbooks, I developed reading and writing resources from "The Death of Man and Musical Instruments" and led students to create in small classical Chinese; when the Education Bureau compiled the textbooks, I also used "Yong Xue" to "Chen Taiqiu and Youqi Xing" and "Chen Taiqiu and Youqi Xing" two small ancient essays in "Shishuo Xinyu" started the creative activity of combining reading and writing. There are many excellent works by students, but they are limited to imitation.

What I really want to do is open a " The class course "Shishuoxinyu" leads students into this "Textbook of Famous Scholars (Lu Xun's Language)" to experience the romance of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. However, due to his limited talent and limited knowledge, his ideas have never been put into action.

During the winter vacation, I listened to some "Beauty of the Whole Person" I really feel that without the teacher's high-level guidance, it would be difficult for students to enter this classic. There are more than a thousand short stories that require a high degree of integration by teachers. For example, there are more than ten stories involving Ruan Ji, distributed in various categories. They also need to be integrated and read in conjunction with "Book of Jin·Biography of Ruan Ji" and Ruan Ji's poems and essays. , teachers should design high-quality questions to lead students step by step into these historical figures. Only when teachers read it thoroughly themselves can they guide students into the depths.

The happiest classroom time

Today's Chinese class, a classmate is still on stage Sharing the class history "A Day in the Elegant Class", we have taken turns writing down the major events of each day since the first day of junior high school. Except for holidays, we have never missed a day. The children used a variety of creative expressions to record every day of their lives. They tried small classical prose, Zhang Hui style, ancient poetry, news broadcasts, pure English, bilingualism, etc. The lively and vivid writing greatly stimulated the children's enthusiasm for writing. I plan to print it into a book for them by the end of this semester, and everyone will have one copy. Memory is limited, but words are eternal. I hope that class history can become their common spiritual wealth.

Next, a girl came on stage to recommend her recent reading The completed masterpiece "The Count of Monte Cristo" is really a great challenge for first-year students. With such a thick book, so many foreign names, and such complex character relationships, she used PPT to show the students the character relationship diagram she had sorted out, and shared some of her reading methods and feelings, which won warm applause from her classmates. This is also a good start for the whole class, and I hope this will inspire more students to love reading.

Continue learning the second lesson of "Ode to the Yellow River" , learn to make comments. In the first lesson, we have learned several main types of comments, including analytical comments, appreciative comments, evaluative comments, etc. This class enters the application stage. There is really no need to talk much in class. Give students examples and then give them enough time. After completing their independent annotations, let them discuss in groups to encourage more students to talk. After all, speaking in one class The number of people is limited.

Finally, let each group send representatives to communicate with the whole class , at this time, the quality of the students' speeches is relatively high. After evaluation and communication, the teacher only needs to give appropriate guidance and summary. In the last few minutes, the students enjoyed the "Yellow River Cantata". The songs were impassioned and gave people an artistic effect of rising and falling, passionate crowds and thousands of horses galloping. If teachers talk less and let students show more, the teaching effect will be much better.

Network teacher homework and home-school co-education

This semester I took "Research on Projects in Primary and Secondary Schools" , because this has always been my weak area. Although in order to evaluate my professional title, I presided over and concluded a municipal project and participated in several projects, I knew best that I was not really involved in research. After listening to the first lecture of the new network teacher, I feel very clear and hope to gain something this semester.

Catch up on homework today and read recommended books and resources Bao, the content of this assignment is to "design relevant research activities based on the research topic, research objectives and content, and list the corresponding types of topic materials that emerged during the topic research process." The collection of topic materials is a complex and long-lasting task. The process runs through the whole research and is of great significance.

I read "Eighteen Research on Basic Education Teaching Topics" Question 12 "How to collect and organize subject materials" involves the definition, characteristics, significance, sources, management and other aspects of subject materials. I originally wanted to describe it in words, but then I thought that it might be more suitable to use a mind map to sort it out. Sure enough, the resulting mind map was more intuitive. Text and pictures have different functions, and they can complement each other when used together.

We received a visiting parent during evening self-study and had a good chat. The theme is parent-child relationship issues in adolescence. A few days ago, this mother sent me a long letter. She was on the verge of emotional breakdown. She said that her daughter had always been obedient in elementary school, but for some reason she changed when she entered junior high school. She said she contradicted her. There is a problem with my study attitude. I procrastinate and can't listen to any good suggestions. I can't finish my homework even if I stay up late. I have no sense of time at all, I don’t correct my mistakes, my words and deeds are inconsistent, and my academic performance does not improve but only retreats after one semester.

But what does my daughter look like at school? Woolen cloth? On the contrary, it can be described as excellent in both practicality and science. She is in the top 20 of her grade in studies, independent and independent-minded, has many talents, and has never been the arrogant and spoiled child of an only child. Why does it look like this in the eyes of parents?

I made several changes to this mother’s letter Comments, such as "It's too harsh. The child you see as unbearable is actually someone else's child." "Elementary school homework is based on time, and junior high school homework is based on task. Don't limit the time for your child based on your standards. "Do you want your child to be what you want, or to be who she is?" "Children's mothers in society are like this. Children fall into self-doubt as soon as they fail in the exam. You really shouldn't put your own value with your child's learning. If you hook up, you and your child will suffocate." "If your standards remain unchanged, your child will be useless."...

Finally, I shared with her Gibran’s famous song The poem "To the Children" encourages her. We chatted for more than an hour in the evening, and finally the parents came home satisfied. As a class teacher, you should stand more from the parent's perspective, understand her current feelings, help her with timely guidance, and guide parents to change their own education methods. Only in this way can we form an educational synergy and better support the growth of their children.

Walking in the river of joy, I feel my life state more truly, I exist, I am joyful.

Author: Wang Liling East China Normal University Yancheng School

Editor: Wu Wenqin

Reviewer: Wang Naqin Xiaoyu

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