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Mental health education moves from "margin" to "center"

[Representatives talk about changes]

From "several old rooms in the stadium" to "one floor with complete facilities", from "one person's battle" to "the struggle of a group of people", from "nobody cares" to "check-in place" for students, from " From "blank" to being built as "a first-class center for Hunan universities"... Yuan Hongmei, a representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a national outstanding educator, and director of the Mental Health Education Center of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, talked about the changes in mental health education in schools with emotion.

In 2005, Yuan Hongmei entered Central South University of Forestry and Technology. She was the only full-time psychology teacher in the school at that time and was also the school's "firefighter." She once experienced a "three-hour rescue" on the roof of the building, and also rushed to the Xiangjiang River late at night to "touch the lost children." Yuan Hongmei has saved hundreds of lives and successfully intervened on more than 400 students with suicidal thoughts and 310 students with suicidal behavior.

"Mental health is of great significance to the cultivation of talents, and is also of great significance to the construction of a healthy China and the construction of a rational and peaceful social mentality." Yuan Hongmei said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the great attention of the school, Zhongnan Forestry has The mental health education of the University of Science and Technology has moved from the "edge" to the "center" and has gone deeper step by step. It has generally gone through three stages: problem solving, problem discovery, and problem prevention. The role of psychological teachers has also changed from "firefighters" and "scouts" to "escorts."

The Mental Health Education Center of Central South Forestry University has successively introduced 7 full-time psychological teachers. Currently, there are 8 teachers, of whom 1 is rated as a professor and 3 are rated as associate professors. The strength continues to grow. “Originally, the center had zero scientific research projects approved at or above the provincial level for many years, but now there are 25 projects approved at or above the provincial level.” Yuan Hongmei said that in the past 10 years, the center’s teachers have developed “five strengths”, including teacher teaching ability, consulting service ability, scientific research ability, organizational ability, Management capabilities have been greatly improved. In 2016, the school was approved as one of the first batch of psychological quality improvement demonstration schools in Hunan Province.

In 2017, the center bid farewell to several old buildings in the stadium. The school allocated 500 square meters of space to invest in the construction of a new mental health education center. Yuan Hongmei led all the teachers in the center to decorate the center like her new home, from large pieces of furniture to all kinds of soft furnishings. It has become a unique scenery on campus and is listed as a "check-in place" by many students.

"In the past 10 years, the biggest change has been students' increasing acceptance of mental health education." Yuan Hongmei said happily. At the beginning, she was ambitious, but she was poured cold water on her face. The center was deserted, and she was "waiting hard and no one came to visit." Yuan Hongmei said that things are different now. Students are entering the school's mental health education center openly, and the quality requirements for psychological counseling have also increased.

In the past 10 years, nearly 16,000 students from the school have come to the center to untie their "heart knots." The center is also affectionately called "Psychology 110" by students.

"A person's destiny is closely connected with the country, and the development of a cause is inseparable from the times." Yuan Hongmei, who has participated in the development of many mental health education documents in Hunan, said with emotion that the changes in mental health education at Central South University of Forestry and Technology are the new era. It is an epitome of the country’s promotion of the development of mental health education in colleges and universities.

"The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China included strengthening mental health services in the report for the first time. This is a key node." Yuan Hongmei said that in the past 10 years, mental health education in colleges and universities has undergone great development and changes. In the past 10 years, Hunan Province has successively promoted the mental health education in Hunan colleges and universities from scratch to excellence through the establishment of qualified psychological counseling rooms, characteristic growth counseling rooms, psychological quality improvement demonstration schools, and quality mental health education projects. At another level, mental health education in colleges and universities has achieved full coverage of departments and departments, and has initially achieved one school with one characteristic.

"2021 is another new starting point for mental health education in Hunan universities." Yuan Hongmei told reporters that this year, Hunan established 20 provincial-level mental health education demonstration centers for universities, and each center collaborates with 2 to The three schools develop together and improve together. For example, Central South University of Forestry and Technology serves as a demonstration center together with Hunan Women's College, Hunan College of Foreign Economics, Hunan Vocational College of Foreign Languages ​​and other universities to create a mental health education working community to improve the quality of psychological education. "I believe that through collaboration and joint construction, mental health education in various schools will reach a higher level, and mental health education in Hunan universities will also achieve more breakthroughs." Yuan Hongmei said.

"China Education News" Page 4, October 19, 2022

Author: our reporter Yang Xiye

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