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Friendship among children - "Charlotte's Web"

When I was a child, I always liked to hang out with friends and be interested in a group of people. carnival.

When you grow up, cherish the close friends around you, get together occasionally, and care about each other.

At different stages, there are completely different understandings and perceptions of the definition and cognition of friendship.

This summer vacation, I read "Charlotte's Web" with the children. Regarding friendship, this book gives the story of Wilbur and Charlotte. The answers given by Luo and the others were pure and touching. He lamented Charlotte's sacrificial spirit in using up her last strength to save Wilbur's life, and also envied Wilbur for having a friend like Charlotte who could risk his own life for him.

The friendship between Wilbur and Charlotte is undoubtedly precious and deserves to be praised and remembered.

In the world of children, although she cannot understand the weight of this friendship, she can feel the purity and preciousness of this friendship. For her, 8 years old is the age to make friends. Whether in school or in life, the friendship between friends will have a profound impact on her growth. For us, how to guide children to cherish the friends around them and cherish the friendship with their friends is very important.

I hope every child can feel the greatness and beauty of friendship in this book. I hope every child can cherish the friends around him. My heart is toward the sunshine, and I am grateful with happiness and understanding.

This book recommendation card borrows the painting style from the book. After priming with pencil, use a signature pen to draw lines at will with the children. Finally, I filled in some colors with watercolor pens to make the picture less monotonous.

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