Schedules:The young man responded to the doubts about "climbing the five mountains in five days"! This schedule made netizens silent...-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

The young man responded to the doubts about "climbing the five mountains in five days"! This schedule made netizens silent...

Climb the Five Mountains in five days! Recently, Nan Duoduo (pseudonym), a young man born in the 1990s from Chengdu, posted his May 1st and Five Mountains trip on social platforms, attracting attention.

Tan Duoduo said that the Five Great Mountains are the most famous among China's famous mountains and rivers, so he came up with the idea of ​​climbing the Five Great Mountains. He made a plan a month in advance, checked the relevant train schedules and found that they were all feasible, so he decided to go ahead with it.

He drove towards the mountain climbing night and climbed one peak in one day. On May 4, he returned to his post on time.

He arranged for himself such a route through the Five Mountains: Hengshan, the slightly less popular Nanyue, was placed at the first stop, Songshan was placed at the second stop, and the most popular Mount Tai was placed at the third day, and Hengshan and Huashan were visited in the last two days. I set off immediately after get off work on April 28 and returned to Chengdu on the evening of May 3.

Nan Duoduo said: "This plan is indeed a bit crazy. I think climbing the Five Mountains is not the most difficult, but getting tickets is the hardest." "I didn't get a ticket for the train from Changsha to Zhengzhou, and I almost couldn't go. It wasn’t until the morning of departure that 12306 gave me a replacement ticket and all the routes were connected.”

The last day’s destination, Mount Huashan, was a return visit to Nan Duoduo, but visiting again gave him a new taste. During the journey, he always chooses to transfer at night and take a hard sleeper, which can save time and accommodation costs. The entire trip cost him only more than 4,000 yuan.

As for netizens questioning the authenticity of his journey, Nan Duoduo posted screenshots of the sports software and said that there were people at every stop to help me witness it.

In addition, he said he has run a half marathon. I have been exercising regularly, running twice a week, about ten kilometers each time, which is about the same intensity as mountain climbing, so my body can tolerate it. I just feel some muscle soreness after returning home. However, because of the intensity of his travel plan, he does not recommend that netizens imitate it easily.

He also said: "China's infrastructure is really awesome! Only with this kind of transportation can I have such a trip!"

Netizens commented: "This is one of the best advertisements for China's modern transportation infrastructure" and "The leader of the Five Sacred Mountains conducted grassroots research."

Source: China Youth Daily

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