red flag waving:Five-star red flag waving-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Five-star red flag waving

Facing the first ray of morning light, the five-star red flag rises slowly. We were born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze. The people have faith and the country has strength. Wherever we look, we see China, and the five shining stars are all faith.

The national flag guard marched with sonorous steps, the majestic national anthem resounded through Linyi University, and the bright five-star red flag rose slowly! This is a sense of ritual that is unique to the Chinese people and collectively conveys I love you, China!

In my vast China, every stroke and every stroke is the backbone; in our vast land of China, every thought is the future; in my vast nine states, every article and every ink is the scorching sun. I will enter China with no regrets in this life!

The five-star red flag is flying, the hot heart is burning, I hope that the motherland will always be safe, and the fireworks are ordinary.

Linyi University New Media Center

Headline Department

Text|Zhang Mengxue

Pictures | Zhang Mengxue

Editor|Zhang Mengxue

Editor|Zhao Xiangyu

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