Party flag ppt:Gannan Armed Police Detachment: Remember the revolutionary martyrs and inherit the red gene-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Gannan Armed Police Detachment: Remember the revolutionary martyrs and inherit the red gene

The dripping green pines convey sorrow, and the blooming flowers soothe loyal souls. In order to commemorate the revolutionary heroes, inherit the red gene, carry forward the revolutionary spirit, and combine the study and education of party history with the promotion of fine traditions, on the morning of April 4, the Gannan Detachment of the Armed Police Gansu Provincial Corps organized officers and soldiers to go to the Martyrs Cemetery of Hehe City to carry out the "Qingming Festival Memorial to the Heroes and Martyrs" "Activity.

The officers and soldiers recalled the revolutionary process, realized their original aspiration and mission, and accepted spiritual baptism. Photo by Liu Yabin

The officers and soldiers laid wreaths at the Revolutionary Martyrs Monument to deeply commemorate the martyrs who sacrificed their lives heroically for the revolutionary cause and the happiness of the people. Photo by Liu Pei

At about 10:30, officers and soldiers lined up in order in front of the Revolutionary Martyrs Monument, and the memorial ceremony kicked off with the solemn and high-pitched national anthem. With sonorous and powerful steps, the soldiers of honor walked slowly to the front of the monument carrying wreaths and solemnly laid flowers. All officers and soldiers stood at attention and solemnly, mourning the revolutionary martyrs in silence, expressing their deep condolences and infinite remembrance of the martyrs.

Officers and soldiers stood in front of the Heroes Monument in the Martyrs Cemetery, and all party members stood in line to recall the merits of the martyrs. Photo by Liu Yabin

The officers and soldiers deeply cherished the memory of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the revolutionary cause, and expressed their infinite affection and endless sorrow for the revolutionary heroes. Photo by Liu Pei

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's charter..." In front of the bright red party flag, all officers and soldiers reviewed the oath of joining the party and made a solemn commitment to "inherit the legacy of the martyrs and carry forward the spirit of heroes", a sonorous and powerful voice Echoing among the green pines and cypresses.

Afterwards, the officers and soldiers walked slowly around the Martyrs' Monument, presented flowers to the martyrs who gave their precious lives for the revolutionary cause, and "painted red" on the tombstone of the Unknown Martyrs to express their deep memory of the martyrs.

To express deep sorrow and respect. Photo by Liu Yabin

All party members faced the bright red party flag, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and once again accepted the baptism of party spirit. Photo by Xu Chaowei

"The snowy scene during the Qingming Festival is full of mist, and the heroic spirit of the heavenly sacrifices remains. Remembering the heroes is to better unite our efforts. The officers and soldiers should enhance their sense of historical mission and responsibility, and inherit the revolutionary martyrs' loyalty to the party in the revolutionary tradition education and patriotism education. , be loyal to the lofty qualities of the people, carry forward the spirit of responsibility that is not afraid of difficulties and sacrifices, stand on the job, and continue to follow the footsteps of the revolutionary predecessors." said Liu Yi, director of the political work department of the detachment.

(Gannan Detachment of the Armed Police Gansu Provincial Corps Liu Rong Cui Hao)


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