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Dear teacher, do you still remember your first class?

Today is Teachers' Day. Every time on this day, students will think of their mentors, and teachers will recall every detail of their teaching careers. In the eyes of students, teachers mostly have a serious and serious image, which makes people a little nervous when facing them. In fact, teachers are also "under a lot of pressure" during class, especially when they are new teachers in their first class. Because of this, almost every teacher still remembers the experience of teaching students for the first time. Today, let us approach three teachers of different ages, old, middle-aged and young, and listen to what stories they had when they taught students their first lesson. Feel their nervousness and excitement as they become teachers for the first time.

The first contest between the post-00s generation and the post-90s generation: a complete mess!

This person who mingle with the children in the classroom is Li Jipeng, a teacher born in the 1990s. After working as a teacher for two years, he is now competent in teaching. However, when talking about his first class, he immediately couldn't help laughing and joked, "This is a competition between those born in the 2000s and those born in the 1990s."

Li Jipeng, a teacher at Nanchang Yuxin School: At that time, in one word, it was "a mess". Later, I lost control. I started to make a lot of preparations, including speech drafts, PPTs, and courseware. , I prepared small prizes, but later I realized that the reality didn’t suit my ideals, so I was in a mess. Teachers should be the leaders of a class, but I was taken into a ditch in that class.

Despite being fully prepared before class, the situation in the class was still different from what Li Jipeng had imagined. Perhaps because the young teacher was so excited, the students actually started fooling around with Li Jipeng, seemingly treating him as their big brother.

Li Jipeng, teacher at Nanchang Yuxin School: When children see a new teacher, they become excited and curious. They always like to come and talk to you, but it is hard for you to ignore them and it is hard for you to reject them.

However, Li Jipeng still tried to use his own teaching methods to guide children to turn their attention to books.

Li Jipeng, a teacher at Nanchang Yuxin School:My first class on reading was about reading secretly. I felt the desire of people with poor conditions to read, so I read secretly and secretly. They didn't understand it at the time, but through the introduction of the writing background and the expansion of Lin Haiyin's other works in class, they began to slowly understand what kind of family Lin Haiyin lived in during the Republic of China era. Through the stories behind the texts, they began to understand The protagonist's feelings about eavesdropping.

Later, Li Jipeng learned that the children in this class were particularly naughty and the teachers had been changed several times. It was not easy to teach them well. How can we retain children's nature and make them fall in love with learning? Li Jipeng decided to make the class lively and interesting by telling stories. Unexpectedly, this trick worked quite well.

Li JipengStudent: I like it very much because he can tell stories and is very humorous.

Li JipengStudent: I like it. Teacher Li tells a short story every time in class, and after telling us what knowledge is contained in the story.

Li JipengStudent: I like it very much because his way of teaching is very interesting. He can tell us stories and make his characteristics very interesting so that we can understand them faster. He will also play games with me and have some good interactions, so that we can understand this text faster.

In spending time with his children day and night, Li Jipeng ushered in his first Teacher's Day. On this day, the naughty children in the classroom expressed their love for their teachers in their own way.

Li Jipeng, a teacher at Nanchang Yuxin School: On the first Teacher’s Day, children gave flowers, which were plastic flowers bought in small shops. Some of them were real flowers that were very fragrant. Even though I am a male teacher, they still send flowers. The most touching moment was when I entered the classroom. A large group of people came to give me flowers. It was the first time that I felt the charm of this profession.

From a "rookie" teacher at the beginning to a teacher loved by students, Li Jipeng enjoys it more and more. Before Teacher's Day this year, Li Jipeng's children quietly prepared another surprise for him.

Li JipengStudent: All of us held flowers and greeting cards in our hands and said "Thank you for your hard work on Teacher's Day" at the door of Teacher Li's office.

Li JipengStudent: I will draw a handwritten newspaper, and then buy a flower and give it to Teacher Li.

Li JipengStudent: Teacher Li, I love you, I like you! Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Li!

Indeed, the moment they step onto the podium for the first time, teachers cannot predict what kind of story will happen between them and their students.

The first class 32 years ago: Nervous!

Teacher Liao Xiaowen from Liantang No. 1 Middle School has 32 years of teaching experience. He summed up his first class in one word: "nervous."

Liao Xiaowen, a teacher at Liantang No. 1 Middle School: I was about 17 or 18 years old at that time. It was the first time I stepped onto the podium. School leaders and old teachers listened to my class to see if I could teach. , I was very nervous, and when I asked my classmates to go to class, I called them out.

Although he made a joke in the first class, Liao Xiaowen did not back down. He wanted to "be a good teacher" and his mind was always on the classroom. In 2008, he had another one? The experience of “first class”: giving a Chinese class to Uyghur students in school. This time, Liao Xiaowen was much more relaxed in teaching, but he was a little worried about his Mandarin level.

Liao Xiaowen, a teacher at Liantang No. 1 Middle School: Children in Xinjiang have been bilingual since primary school. Their Mandarin is very standard. When they speak to our local children, they often mix Nanchang dialect. Teaching Xinjiang classes is more stringent than necessary. Only if you can communicate with them fluently in Mandarin can they understand you.

After this class, Liao Xiaowen became familiar with the children and gradually became their "dad" in Nanchang.

Liao XiaowenStudent: During the Chinese New Year, he takes us to dinner and takes us out to play. He also takes good care of us, just like our father, he is very kind.

Liao XiaowenStudent: Every day before we get up, he gets up and wakes us up. When we get downstairs every day, he waits for us downstairs and takes us to the cafeteria before he goes up to the office.

Liao XiaowenStudent: Xinjiang is quite far away from Nanchang. We are so far away and our parents are not around. Only Teacher Liao is both the head teacher and Chinese teacher, and he has always taken good care of us.

Liao Xiaowen, teacher of Liantang No. 1 Middle School: I have celebrated 31 Teachers’ Days. I think the most meaningful Teachers’ Day was in 2009, the second year of the Xinjiang class. Those in my class My classmates, especially those from ethnic groups, organized a show by themselves. They dragged me to the playground and performed a show around me. They said, "Happy Teacher's Day." I said that I had never enjoyed such treatment before, laughing. .

Liao XiaowenStudent: Teacher Liao, happy Teacher’s Day!

The first lesson of becoming a monk halfway: be afraid!

Many teachers graduated from college and became teachers in their youth, but Song Jinru, a retired professor at Donghua University of Science and Technology, started his teaching career after 30 years of scientific research. Due to family reasons, Professor Song was transferred to the Chemistry Department of the then East China Institute of Geology in 1981, and the first class he took was experimental analysis teaching. Although she has 30 years of scientific research experience, when she stepped onto the podium for the first time, she was still as prepared as a young new teacher for this class.

Song Jinru, retired professor of Donghua University of Science and Technology: Because when I tell them about experiments, I do them all in advance and I am fully prepared before I tell them about them.

Having just switched from scientific research to teaching, Professor Song was worried that he would not be able to teach well.

Song Jinru, retired professor of Donghua University of Science and Technology: The first time I taught them an experimental class, I taught it very seriously and was very afraid of making mistakes. To be honest, I graduated from Northeast Normal University. I should be doing teaching work, but I haven’t done teaching work for many years. I have been doing scientific research work, so I am very unfamiliar. I just transferred to this school to do teaching work, and I feel very I am not practical and do not know the teaching rules well, so I am very afraid of teaching work and I am afraid that I will not do well.

However, the urgency and desire for knowledge among the students of that era quickly infected Professor Song, allowing her to calm down and concentrate on teaching.

Song Jinru, retired professor of Donghua University of Science and Technology: The students at that time had a very serious attitude towards learning, were very practical, and were very diligent in studying. If they didn’t understand something, they would just ask. Because I was doing experimental analysis of uranium, experimental determination of uranium, and nuclear materials. There were many analysis methods at that time, including titration, colorimetry, and many other methods. I handed them over to them, and they mastered them all very well. So these students graduated with excellent grades

Speaking of his former students, the 90-year-old professor's face glowed with a different kind of brilliance. She said that students are like her own children, and their respect and concern make her feel satisfied and happy.

Song Jinru, retired professor of Donghua University of Science and Technology: They are very good to me. Before I turned 90 last year, students from Tsinghua University organized classmates to come to celebrate my birthday. This year, students from Sun Yat-sen University came to celebrate my birthday again. So I thought about doing education work. Still pretty good.

For these three teachers, the first class of their teaching career, although a little nervous and made mistakes, was the most precious memory in their lives. Although their students have different personalities and approaches, their love and respect for their teachers is the same. It is the deep affection of the students that makes the teachers feel happy. Here, let us wish all teachers happiness and health!

(Reporter: Liu Yu)


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