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"Micro Poetry" Han Jizhong: Handshake (nine poems outside)

Ten micro-poems

Poetry/Han Jizhong

(1) Handshake

Friendship starts here
Power comes from here

(2) Pride

Never get praise for success
On the contrary, it will ruin yourself
In fertile soil

(3) Smoke

Only when there is no wind
can you see its upright figure< /span>

(4) Cicada

Drinking the pearls gifted by the earth
In the scorching sun
Squeak Zhi Changming

(5) Lightning (1)

Even a brief flash
will not give the earth a permanent memorial< br>Because crookedness can never replace uprightness

(6) Lightning (2)

Even for a short moment
We must rush before the heavy rain
Give the earth Reminder

(7) Front sight

The eyes of the gun
will fill up once they are level with the notched tube
A thousand years of merits and demerits

(Eight) Wick

The great thing
is to think with the mind
Speak with the body< /span>

(9) Telescope

Seeing the distant target
Shortening the distance between each other

(10) Success

Only warriors who are not afraid of failure
can reap fruitful results

Note; The pictures are taken by Taoxiang people while walking.

About the author:Han Jizhong, a native of Feicheng City, Tai'an, Shandong Province, a company employee, has farmed and carried He loves guns and literature. His works have been published in many newspapers, magazines and various online platforms, and have been selected into many anthologies. Director of the Chu Culture Research Association of Sichuan Province, editorial board member of the book "Selected Poems of the New Century", and deputy editor-in-chief of the micro-publications "International Literary Society", "International Poetry", "World Style" and "Taoxiang Literature Garden".

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Submission InstructionsManuscripts should be mainly poetry, prose, essays, and short novels. They must be positive literary works that do not violate laws and ethics and hinder national stability. Word count Generally, the maximum length should not exceed about 2,500 words. Manuscripts must be original and first published. Plagiarism and plagiarism are prohibited. The author is solely responsible for the article. This platform does not assume any legal liability. (Submission format: Original text + author photo + author introduction)

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