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Internet celebrity fonts meet computer marking

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The rapid development of science and technology has gradually replaced traditional pen and paper writing with smart products . When students graduate and start working, they will find that many employers operate paperless offices and rarely write by hand. This change does not apply to schools. Writing is used throughout students' entire learning career, recording class notes, and writing homework. In exams, the importance of writing to students is highlighted.

Students during exams , you must write well and be pleasing to the eye, but also have a certain writing speed to ensure that you can answer the test paper on time. Students' writing performance will have an impact on test scores. Nowadays, middle school students pursue individuality, and even when practicing calligraphy, they have to choose their favorite fonts to practice according to their own preferences. Many middle school students will choose the more popular Internet celebrity fonts to practice, but many of these Internet celebrity fonts are not suitable for use in exams.

Both the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination There is no computer for marking. After the test paper is scanned into the computer, the words in the student's imagination are completely different from the words displayed on the computer screen in reality. If the student's writing is sloppy, it will be mushy on the computer screen. Teacher It is difficult to read at all, the answer content cannot be discerned, and the teacher can only deduct points.

Internet celebrity fonts sought after by middle school students reveal their true colors when encountering computer marking

More popular nowadays Internet celebrity fonts include "Cheese Font", just like the name of the font, "Cheese Trap". With its cute writing style, many middle school students fall into the "trap". In fact, this font is pretty good for daily writing, and it can also inspire students to take notes in class.

But the font has The obvious disadvantage is that there is a phenomenon of reducing the strokes of Chinese characters. For example, the character "口" has three strokes according to the Chinese writing standards, but in cheese writing, the character "口" has become two strokes. It is said that It looks cute written like this.

But the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination It is a very rigorous exam and has strict requirements for students' writing. There must be no typos. If the teacher considers the word "口" in the cheese style to be a typo and deducts the corresponding paper points, the students will have nothing to say. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, students should not use cheese bodies in exams.

If student talent cheese If the font is still barely acceptable, then the "cuneiform font" that has set off a craze for imitation on the Internet is completely unsuitable for students to practice. Not only after grading with the computer, it is like a QR code that has become a master, but it also makes teachers feel very distressed when used in daily homework. This font is dazzling and difficult to recognize when written on paper. Many teachers see students practicing this font and just want to say, do you think it is very personal?

Students practice calligraphy the most The basic thing is to be able to make people identify what they are writing. If students deliberately practice some difficult-to-understand fonts in order to pursue their individuality, they will only suffer a big loss in the exam. If a font like this appears in the exam, the teacher should directly deduct points.

Also There is an Internet celebrity font called "Ant Font". As you can see from the name, this font is very small and arranged one by one on the paper.

Some students write really well Relatively young, you can get rid of this bad habit by practicing calligraphy. However, some middle school students think that such fonts are quite aesthetic and specialize in making the characters smaller. Think about how troublesome it must be for the marking teacher to scan such small characters onto a computer. If the text is too small and the teacher cannot clearly see the answer, he will not give a high score.

Students should pay attention to the role of writing in exams

Students know the high school entrance examination With the importance of the college entrance examination, students should focus more on studying instead of spending a lot of time practicing these Internet celebrity fonts. This is a waste of time. In the end, the practice of fonts will make them lose points in the exam. This is Why bother.

Facing the high school entrance examination Due to the pressure of studying for the college entrance examination, students can take some time to practice calligraphy. However, this is not a calligraphy practice for students to pursue their individuality, but to practice calligraphy with the attitude of cultivating their sentiments and wanting to get high scores in the exam.

In fact, students want It is not difficult to practice the font suitable for the exam. Just practice "Kaixi" well. Take notes every day. When doing homework, write carefully to develop good writing habits and ensure that the handwriting is clear and neat. Students who have the conditions can buy some copybooks and use their after-school breaks to copy a few, which can relieve study pressure while practicing calligraphy.

For middle school students , the handwriting does not have to be beautiful or individual, as long as it is neat and clear, retains excellent characteristics, pays attention to the rules of exam writing, and does not scratch or erase randomly, it will be enough to cope with the exam. I also hope that students can gain other insights when practicing traditional fonts.

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