:Wang Hanzong Fonts: Diversification and Application of Open Source Chinese Fonts-字体百科免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Wang Hanzong Fonts: Diversification and Application of Open Source Chinese Fonts

Wang Hanzong font is an open source Chinese font designed by Taiwanese Professor Wang Hanzong, including standard regular script, medium regular script, bold regular script and other styles. These fonts have been widely used in education and public servic

1. About the historical background:

Wang Hanzong font is an open source Chinese font independently developed by Professor Wang Hanzong in Taiwan.

Professor Wang Hanzong is a famous calligrapher and font designer in Taiwan. He devoted himself to font design work in the early 1990s and published the first batch of fonts named after him in 2000.

The Wang Hanzong font family includes a variety of different styles, such as Wang Hanzong standard regular script, Wang Hanzong medium regular script, Wang Hanzong bold regular script, etc. These fonts have been widely used in the education field and public services in Taiwan.

In 2004, Professor Wang Hanzong licensed these fonts as free licenses, allowing anyone to use, copy, modify and distribute them, but not for commercial purposes unless specifically authorized.

The release of Wang Hanzong font has promoted the process of Chinese digitization and provided important resources for Chinese font design.

2. About design features:

"Wang Hanzong Font" is a set of open source Chinese fonts designed by Taiwanese designer Mr. Wang Hanzong. It has the following design features:

  • Diversity:Includes multiple different font designs, Such as Wang Hanzong's standard regular script, Wang Hanzong's rough regular script, Wang Hanzong's Zhongming script, etc.
  • Legibility: Typefaces are designed with a focus on readability, making them ideal for use in print and digital media.
  • Normality: It follows certain Chinese character design standards, making the font more visually unified and coordinated.
  • Adaptability: Suitable for a variety of occasions, including publishing, advertising, web design and other fields.
  • Open source nature: Allowing users to freely use and modify it promotes the dissemination and re-creation of fonts.
  • Cultural characteristics: The design incorporates the characteristics of Chinese culture and reflects the traditional beauty of Chinese characters.
Wang Hanzong font has a high degree of freedom and diversity in the field of Chinese font design due to its open licensing agreement.

3. Regarding applicable scenarios:

Wang Hanzong font is a Chinese font commonly used in Taiwan, China. Its usage scenarios include but are not limited to the following categories:

  • Educational field: Suitable for use in textbooks, children's books, teaching materials, etc., because its fonts are standardized and easy to read.
  • Government documents: In some official documents and announcements, in order to maintain a formal and traditional feel, Wang Hanzong font may be chosen.
  • Cultural publicity: Because its glyph has a certain artistic beauty, it is suitable for the design of cultural activities, exhibitions and promotional materials.
  • Traditional printing: Wang Hanzong font can provide the right effect when producing prints that require a traditional feel, such as genealogy, calligraphy works, or prints related to traditional Chinese culture.
  • Advertising and branding: In advertising or brand promotional materials that pursue a combination of tradition and modernity in design, using Wang Hanzong font can add a cultural flavor.
  • Web design: In some website designs that need to emphasize traditional cultural elements, Wang Hanzong font can be used as a decorative or title font.

It should be noted that the copyright of Wang Hanzong font belongs to its creator or copyright holder, and you should ensure that you comply with relevant copyright regulations when using it.

4. About technical specifications:

Wang Hanzong font is a set of free and open source Chinese fonts developed by Professor Wang Hanzong of Taiwan Chung Yuan University between 2000 and 2003. These fonts are related to the written characters of ancient Taiwanese and Pingpu languages, so they are also suitable for writing in these languages. The 14 fonts developed by Professor Wang Hanzong cover different writing styles, including:

  • W7-2003 in Wang Hanzong's regular script and Guo Jian
    • Style: regular script
    • Font shape: simplified characters
    • Capacity: 27,847 words
    • < /ul>
    • W7-2003 Wang Hanzong Te Ming Guo Jian
      • Style: Ming
      • Font: Simplified Chinese
      • Capacity: 27,847 words
    • W7-2003 Guo Jian of Wang Hanzong
      • Style: Reporting to the Song Dynasty
      • Font shape: simplified characters
      • Capacity: 27,847 words
    • Wang Hanzong Zhongkan Guo Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Slips W7-2003
      • Style: Chinese regular script
      • Font form: simplified characters< /li>
      • Capacity: 27,847 words
    • Wang Hanzong Bo Tao Guo Jian W7-2003
      • Style: Bo Tao
      • Font style: Simplified Chinese characters
      • Capacity: 27,847 characters
    • Wang Hanzong imitation Song style W7-2003
      • Style: Imitation Song style
      • Font form: simplified characters
      • Capacity: 27,847 words
    • Wang Hanzong’s imitation of Guo Jian W7-2003
      • Style: imitation of Song Dynasty< /li>
      • Font form: simplified characters
      • Capacity: 27,847 words
    • Wang Hanzong standard script Guo Fan W7-2003
      • Style: Regular Script
      • Font: Traditional Chinese
      • Capacity: 30,038 words
    • Wang Hanzong Teming Guo Fan W7-2003
      • Style: Ming
      • Font: Traditional Chinese
      • Capacity: 30,038 words
    • Wang Hanzong Baojing Guo Fan W7-2003
      • Style: Song Dynasty
      • Font: Traditional Chinese
      • Capacity: 30,038 words
    • Wang Hanzong Zhongkan Guo Fan W7-2003
      • Style: Chinese regular script
      • Font format: Traditional Chinese
      • Capacity: 30,038 characters
    • li>
    • Wang Hanzong Chaoming Guo Fan W7-2003
      • Style: Chaoming
      • Font: Traditional Chinese
      • Capacity: 30,038 characters
    • Wang Hanzong Chao Song Guo Jian W7-2003
      • Style: Chao Song
      • Font: Simplified Chinese
      • Capacity: 27,847 words< /li>
    • Wang Hanzong Chao Song Guo Fan W7-2003
      • Style: Chao Song
      • Font: Traditional Chinese
      • Capacity: 30,038 words
    • Wang Hanzong Radical W7-2003
      • Style: Radical
      • Font Shape: Traditional/Simplified< /li>
      • Capacity: about 500 words
    • Wang Hanzong Crude Steel Guo Jian W7-2003
      • Style: Crude Steel
      • Font form: simplified characters
      • Capacity: 27,847 words
    • Wang Hanzong Crude Steel Guo Fan W7-2003
      • Style: Crude Steel< /li>
      • Font format: Traditional Chinese
      • Capacity: 30,038 words

    These fonts support both Big5 and GB18030 encodings, which are suitable for different Chinese encoding needs. Professor Wang Hanzong’s font works are widely welcomed by designers and developers because they are free, open source and cover a variety of writing styles.

    5. About license:

    "Wang Hanzong Font" is a set of fonts independently developed and released free of charge by Professor Wang Hanzong of Chung Yuan University in Taiwan. It is divided into commonly used series such as Zhongming, Zhongyuan, Zhonghei, and Zhongfang Song. According to Professor Wang Hanzong’s public statement, these fonts can be used freely, including for commercial purposes, but they cannot be sublicensed or sold. When using it, the copyright owner must be clearly marked as Wang Hanzong, and the font name must not be modified. The copyright statement also requires that when any software, multimedia, printed materials, etc. are used publicly, Professor Wang Hanzong's signature file or copyright statement must be retained, and the copyright statement must be fully included when distributed in the form of files or projects.

    6. Regarding impact and evaluation:

    "Wang Hanzong Font" is an open source Chinese font developed by a team led by Professor Wang Hanzong of Taiwan's Chung Yuan University. This font is popular among the Chinese community, especially designers and developers, because it is not only free to use, but also covers multiple languages, including simplified and traditional Chinese. The influence and evaluation of Wang Hanzong's fonts mainly focus on the following aspects:

    • Open Source: Because the font is open source, it can be freely modified and redistributed, making it very popular among communities that want custom fonts.
    • Diversity: The Wang Hanzong font series contains a variety of different fonts and styles, such as Wang Hanzong Zhongming style, Wang Hanzong Chaoming style, etc., which provides users with a wide range of choices , can meet different design needs.
    • Ease of use: The font is very simple to install and use, making it suitable for beginners and non-professionals, which increases its popularity.
    • Design beauty: Although personal tastes are different, many users think that Wang Hanzong font has a certain aesthetic feeling in design, especially in typesetting and display effects.
    • Copyright issues: Although the font is open source, you still need to pay attention to comply with the relevant copyright agreements and terms during use to avoid legal risks.
    • Community contribution: The development and maintenance of Wang Hanzong fonts rely on community contributions, which also promotes the development of open source culture and collaborative spirit.
    • Limitations: As a free font, although it performs well in many situations, in some professional design work, it may be affected by the quality or style of the font. limitations and insufficient to meet the needs.

    Generally speaking, Wang Hanzong font has a certain influence in the field of Chinese fonts, especially when free and open source fonts are needed, it is a good choice.

    7. About the designer:

    Wang Hanzong fonts are a series of Chinese fonts designed by Taiwanese designer Professor Wang Hanzong. Professor Wang Hanzong is a famous educator and font designer. He has made significant contributions in the field of font design, especially in Chinese font design. His typeface works are not only admired in academia, but are also widely used in a variety of commercial uses and personal designs. Wang Hanzong's font styles are diverse, including but not limited to block script, imitation Song Dynasty, standard script, Song Dynasty and handwritten script, etc. Each font has its own unique charm and applicable scenarios.

    Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/wang-han-zong-zi-ti-kai-yuan-zhong-wen-zi-ti-de-duo-yuan-hua-yu-ying-yong.html

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