mosaic pictures:How to set up mosaics for pictures? Learn to code pictures-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How to set up mosaics for pictures? Learn to code pictures

In order to protect personal privacy or security factors, we often need to process pictures. How to set up mosaics for pictures? Adding mosaics to pictures can cover up some information that is inconvenient to display. This issue will introduce you to the operation of coding pictures.

The functions of image mosaic are very extensive and can be mainly divided into the following two aspects:

1. Protect privacy and protect sensitive information. By mosaic processing of images, specific areas in the image can be hidden to prevent others from identifying sensitive information such as people or text in the image, thereby protecting the privacy of individuals or groups. Especially in the Internet age, many people like to upload their photos or videos to the Internet, which may be used by criminals. Therefore, it is very necessary to add mosaic to some pictures that need to be kept confidential.

2. Emphasize specific areas in the image. In addition to protecting privacy and protecting sensitive information, mosaic can also be used to emphasize specific areas in an image, making people pay more attention to important content in the image. For example, there may be many people in a news photo, but only a few of them are key figures in the event. At this time, you can use mosaics to highlight these key figures to better convey the importance of the news event. .

Recommended to use Change Picture Duck

Open the picture modification operation interface, select "Picture Beautification" on the left side of the page, and then click "Mosaic" on the page;

After importing the picture, slide the mouse to add the mosaic. The circular range on the picture is the added area. You can set the shape and thickness of the brush. Pattern mosaics are also supported. Just set it on the right side.

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