Founder Huangcao Simplified Chinese:Stop worshiping, please "Say No" to the old man of the park! Love design-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Stop worshiping, please "Say No" to the old man of the park! Love design

Every sunny morning or evening, what makes us stop in the park is not the spinning and jumping "square dancing ladies", nor the steps. The "will-o'-the-wisp boy" who was riding high above was the "old man" who was carrying a small bucket and a big brush in the square. The huge square was like a ball in their hands. On a piece of rice paper, holding a writing brush and phoenixes dancing on it, it is so happy that it attracts admiration from passers-by. However, what Ai Design wants to say today is “Say No, Stop worship!” Stop worshiping the “old man in the park” and understand the secret. You can do it too! Today, let AiDesign take you to understand the "secret" of the old men -calligraphy fonts!

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Calligraphy fonts, traditionally there are Running Script fonts, Cursive Script fonts, and Official Script fonts Fonts, Seal Script fonts and Regular Script fonts.

Different calligraphy styles have different feelings.

The most widely used cursive script can be used for cover design, packaging design, or it can be processed based on LOGO design strong>, because cursive script is not highly recognizable, cursive script tends to be more decorative and artistic expression in graphic design.

The shape of regular script is relatively regular among calligraphy styles, so it is suitable for short paragraphs of explanatory text and has the function of adjusting the board surface.

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Official script Compared with regular script, it has more rhythm and charm. Compared with running script, cursive script lacks a lot of artistry and unrestrained features, so in graphic design Font deformation that does not appear often and is often suitable for LOGO design.

Characteristics of calligraphy characters: Beauty of atmosphere, elegance and nature, beauty of artistic conception, seriousness and elegance, generosity and unrestrainedness

Common calligraphy styles: Founder Xingkai Simplified\Fangzheng Libian Simplified\Li Xuyang Calligraphy\Fangzheng Huangcao Simplified\Xingkai\Japanese Brush Font\Kantingliu Font \Japan Soul Heart Body\Hakusune Ninja Body

Calligraphy font is a Chinese expression that carries artistic conception

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The artistic conception of calligraphy art is the soul of calligraphy works, and the composition of formal beauty plays a very important role in the production of calligraphy artistic conception. Artistic conception is contained in formal beauty, and formal beauty is the basis for artistic conception.

Compared with foreign art, Chinese art focuses on realism, while Chinese art focuses on the expression of "meaning". Artistic conception is an important category of Chinese aesthetic thought. Artistic conception is a beautiful artistic feeling conveyed to readers through limited words or images. It is the product of the integration of objective (life, scenery) and subjective (thoughts, feelings). "Artistic conception is the unity of emotion and scenery."

When the recognition of calligraphy is not high, the role of foil is greater than the role of explanation

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The majestic momentum created by calligraphy itself can carry infinite energy. The most outstanding design of this type is calligraphy fonts

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Each font has its own temperament conveyed by the text. When we choose the font, we must combine the content, artistic conception, scene, and purpose we want to achieve. When choosing fonts, the choice of fonts will affect the accuracy and emotional appeal of the information conveyed by our design works.

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