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Taiwanese artist Chen Zhuyin: She is ready to move her Taiwanese household registration to the mainland and give up Taiwan’s health insurance

"I look forward to officially becoming a citizen of the People's Republic of China as soon as possible." On the 6th, Taiwanese martial arts actor Chen Zhuyin announced on Weibo that he was ready to move his Taiwanese household registration to the mainland and give up Taiwan's health insurance.

Screenshot of Chen Zhuyin’s Weibo

Chen Zhuyin once worked as a stand-in for Shu Qi and Chen Yihan in Taiwan. After moving to Hong Kong in 2013, she also worked as a stand-in for actresses such as Lok Keer, Wu Dingxin, Fiona Sit, Chen Tingxin, Chen Ziyao, Zhu Chenli and other actresses. Why did he announce at this time that he was preparing to naturalize in the mainland and give up Taiwan’s health insurance? On the morning of the 7th, the reporter interviewed Chen Zhuyin by phone.

Chen Zhuyin (right) and Zhu Chenli take a photo

Chen Zhuyin revealed that she settled in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province in September 2020, and obtained a Taiwan resident residence permit in the summer of 2021. She is currently engaged in writing, translating, and filming, and wants to engage in film and television production in the future. Chen Zhuyin, who claims not to be a "wrong person", said that obtaining a mainland ID card will allow her to enter life in the mainland more quickly and make her career development more convenient for a Taiwanese compatriot like her who lives in the mainland.

Chen Zhuyin revealed that she comes from a single-parent family. She started renting a house in Taiwan at the age of 16. Later, she was admitted to National Taiwan University and studied in Japan. After coming to the mainland, she felt supported and cared for by mainland compatriots and the Taiwan Affairs Office, and felt that the mainland was more like her home. Chen Zhuyin said that since she seriously wants to develop in the mainland and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait will be reunified sooner or later, she should seize the time to develop as soon as possible and become an example of "relying on the motherland and working hard", so that her relatives and friends in Taiwan can witness her realizing herself on the mainland. ideal.

Chen Zhuyin at the Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River in 2021

According to a previous report by the People's Political Consultative Conference, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Chen Zhuyin, Liu Leyan, He Shaohong, Xia Yunhao and others sang a song "Long Live the Communist Party" to express their high respect for the Communist Party of China and their support for the reunification of the motherland. Eagerly anticipated. After the MV was released on Weibo, YouTube and other platforms, it aroused heated discussions among netizens on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

On the evening of September 28, 2021, Chen Zhuyin also posted photos of the invitation and guest card that he was invited to attend the reception celebrating the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China on Weibo. At the same time, he said: As a young man born and raised in the treasure island of Taiwan, , had the opportunity to walk into the Great Hall of the People, and I felt honored and grateful in my heart: Thank you to the great motherland for allowing our Taiwan compatriots to have a home to return to; with the strong motherland to rely on, we have hope for the future! Congratulations on the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China! I look forward to my hometown returning to the embrace of the motherland as soon as possible!

Chen Zhuyin was invited to attend the reception celebrating the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Picture from Chen Zhuyin Weibo

In response to Chen Zhuyin's announcement on Weibo that she was ready to move her Taiwanese household registration to the mainland and give up Taiwan's health insurance, many mainland netizens left messages to express their welcome, calling it a "smart decision."

Column editor: Qin Hong Text editor: Dong Siyun Source of title picture: Chen Zhuyin Weibo Picture editor: Shao Jing

Source: Author: Taiwan Strait Net

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