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Let’s talk about ancient Chinese written music scores

Nowadays, people who know how to order music use simplified musical notation. That is, digital spectrum, or staff music. In fact, these two spectrums did not exist in our country for a long time and became popular around the early Republic of China. The popularity of simplified musical notation and staff music indicates that the communication between my country's music and world music has begun to develop in a barrier-free manner. This laid the foundation for our music to go global and also helped us understand the development of world music. But this has led to the decline of our own native musical score, so much so that it is now on the verge of disappearing.

What kind of music scores did our country have in the past? Most people don't know. In fact, our country has its own musical notation, which is a type of written notation that uses Chinese characters that we are familiar with. They are Shang, Gong, Chi, Fan, Shi, Wu and Liu. The seven characters are collectively called Gongchi Pu. Like the widely used simplified musical notation, there are seven characters representing seven sounds. In simplified musical notation, the rising sound is expressed by adding dots on the head of the number. The more dots you add, the higher the pitch will rise. For example, 5 with a dot on it is an octave higher than 5 without a dot. There are two forms of Gongchipu: one is to add a single person on the left side of the above seven characters, or add an apostrophe next to the single person. The second is to add a single stroke to the last stroke of the seven characters to indicate the rise of the sound. Similarly, the more last strokes, the higher the sound rises. If the interval is lowered, add a downward stroke at the last stroke of the seven characters mentioned above. Likewise, the more strokes there are, the lower the stroke will be. At this point, whether the interval is rising or falling, it has its own expression.

Gongchipu does not have the bar lines in simplified musical notation, but this does not mean that it has no rhythm. It is represented by the holes of the board. The picture: ▲ represents the board, and the picture: ● represents the eye. A board is a shot, and a glance is also a shot. Rhythm types include stern, stern, stern and compound rhythms.

Gongchipu also has the sustain character, which is to add: l to the right of the character. But this beat still needs to be played. How to play it? Our ancestors created a style of play called waist board or waist eye. This waist board or waist eye is specifically used to solve the problem of extending the sound from the front beat to the next beat. Symbols: △ and ○. This beat not only has these few, these symbols are all beat symbols, such as: ×□■, · all mean beat. The sound of the previous beat is extended into the next beat. The solid ones represent real shots, and the empty ones represent virtual shots. That is, the waist shot. A real shot is a shot that starts when the shot is taken, and a shot that stops when the shot is stopped is a real shot.

In Gongchipu, one beat has one note, which is the same as a quarter note in simplified notation. Two will automatically generate an eighth note, and four will naturally become a sixteenth note. There is no need to question these, but when there are two notes or three notes, it cannot be expressed when there is a special sound length. This has to be explained by the master. In fact, someone has proposed the method of understanding a long time ago, but later it was not passed down for unknown reasons. This book about music was probably formed in the "Jiugong Dacheng North and South Poetry Notation Method" in the Song Dynasty. It is said that in this book, the scores are recorded in square grids. The length and shortness of note intervals are related to the number of words in one beat. For example: if there are two characters in one beat, which interval is longer and which is shorter? This means that the interval of two notes will become four sixteenth notes. The lengthened sound occupies one or two extra squares, then fills the extra squares with the same character or, and then connects them with hyphens. Finally, fill in the shortened characters so that it is clear which of the two sounds should be longer and which should be shorter. In the same way, we can also use this method to distinguish which of the three sounds is longer and which is shorter. However, this division method will not be seen in the actual work scale spectrum. It is said that it was only popular in a small area at that time and had no large-scale application. Therefore, the expression method I mentioned cannot be found in Gongchipu. In the early years of the Republic of China, some people used to add horizontal strokes under the number symbols and dots after the characters in the simplified musical notation to indicate the length of the intervals to make up for the shortcomings of the Gongchi musical notation.

There is a legato line in Gongchi notation, but it is not an arc but a straight line, and is often written at the right end of the notation. The writing format of ancient people was different from today's. It was written vertically from right to left, and the tuplet was a vertical line. Use a blank space to pause between sentences. Pauses in music scores are represented by the word spoon. Not only the word "shao" is used to indicate pause, but also the words "恵", "楥", " quilt", "颉", "ah", "痢", "building", "beng", "玡", "Jing", "鄯", "pang", "man", "皲"), etc. are all rest symbols, but they are not used in the melody of music scores. inside. The word "shao" is used as a pause sound in the melody.

The speed notation of gongchipu includes loose speed, flowing speed, allegro, adagio, wide board, and fast speed. If the speed of loose speed is relatively free, flowing speed and slow speed have requirements. This is reflected in local dramas. That’s all about Gongchipu! I don’t understand it all, I’m just a fan. Say whatever you have to say! Gongchipu is a key to Chinese Han music. It can lead you to see the wisdom of ancient ancestors in the treasure house of Han music.

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