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Summer Essay·Global Universal Entrepreneurship Test·Quasi-Ultimate Text Item·Century Entrepreneurship·Capital Chinese Number 53

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Summer Article·Global Universal Entrepreneurship Test·Quasi-Ultimate Text Item·The Golden Horse of Entrepreneurship in the Century·Simplified Chinese Capital Number 53

World's Giant Class·World's Giant Class·Great Openness·A Glance·Unique·The World's Best·Entertaining Game Audio and Video Subtitles Courseware

World's Giant Classroom·Entertaining Game Audio and Video Courseware

"Chinese Chinese Capital Huge Numbers"

——Hundred Numbers·Hundreds (2200-2299)

Two thousand two hundred

Two thousand two hundred and one

Two thousand two hundred and two

Two thousand two hundred and three

Two thousand two hundred and four

Two thousand two hundred and five

Two thousand two hundred zero land

Two thousand two hundred and seven

Two thousand two hundred and eight

Two thousand two hundred and nine

Two thousand two hundred and eleven

Two thousand two hundred one eleven

Two thousand two hundred and eleven

Two thousand two hundred and thirteen

Two thousand two hundred and eleven four

Two thousand two hundred and fifteen

Two thousand two hundred and eleven Lu

Two thousand two hundred one eleven seven

Two thousand two hundred and eleven

Two thousand two hundred and eleven

Two thousand two hundred and twenty

Two thousand two hundred twenty-one

Two thousand two hundred two hundred and two

Two thousand two hundred two hundred and three

Two thousand two hundred and twenty four

Two thousand two hundred and twenty five

Two thousand two hundred and twenty six

Two thousand two hundred two hundred seven

Two thousand two hundred two hundred and eighty

Two thousand two hundred and twenty nine


——will speed up the display of various giant numbers, compress each group of displays into one or two paragraphs or one or two groups of numeral characters (A/B), and speed up the use of Display and demonstrate the carry of huge digits, or display and interpret intelligent number symbols to recognize, read, write, use, etc. (general or basically no need to explain). It’s too much to say in just a few words.

——"Smart Text-Smart Numbers" is one of the smart smart numeral tables, one of the non-Simplified English numeral tables, and the non-Simplified English numeral table. It is a kind of modern giant thought; it is the "infinite extension" method of numbers and numerals/characters, the "infinite extension" method of entrepreneurship and employment needs and ideals, and the "infinite extension" content of the happiness index. ; It is the "infinite extension" spirit of human society advocating science, and the "infinite extension" ideal of the orderly development of all mankind; it is a beautiful subject and great project that is completely achievable.

——Don’t rely on heaven or earth; rely on yourself, rely on self-confidence

——Entrepreneurship starts with your feet, and development is done with your own hands; knowledge is the foundation, and survival requires material conditions; all external environments are also important.

——Any version of existing or future artificial intelligence technology, or artificial intelligence technology/super class that will forever lose the human ultimate language and text version to the vast majority of human beings Brain intelligence technology/pan-quantum language and ultimate quantum entanglement text information technology; the ultimate human language and text, the ultimate text language will be pan-computer background language, bottom-level text, machine language text, human-computer universal information flow interaction language, and all-field Crowd artificial intelligence text and intelligent language may be a permanent cultural industry project for all mankind - it can be called a highly valuable and achievable cultural plan, civilization project, and beautiful imagination.

——While you are young, race against time and try every possible means; you must work harder and try your best; do everything possible to start a business, start a business, and start a business, which is equivalent to creating life, creating happiness, creating filial piety, and creating the future. ; There must be no distraction at all, no slacking off at all, and no numbness at all. Countless students and classmates are in vain because they are young and do not work hard. Regardless of whether your family is well off or whether you have unexpected wealth, in addition, you must consider all matters in life: even if you have a very decent job, you can't afford to buy a house, you can't afford to see a doctor, you can't start a family, If you cannot honor your parents and elders no matter what, where will life come from, where will happiness come from, where will filial piety come from, and will there be a good future? Although the vast majority of them can grow old, they can still live a life that is free and smooth, or miserable.

Whether a field theory can explain the atomic structure of matter and radiation and quantum phenomena. Most physicists answer with an unthinking "no" because they believe that quantum problems need to be solved in principle using another type of method. What the problem is, we are reminded of Lessing's inspiring words: The price paid for the effort to seek the truth is always much higher than to possess it without risk. ——Einstein.

Use value is only realized in use or consumption. Regardless of the social form of wealth, use value always constitutes the material content of wealth. …And inventions and creations are extremely important to a society. Because inventions and creations increase the usefulness of things, they also increase the use value or make it possible to increase the use value. ...Exchange value is first expressed as the quantitative relationship or ratio in which one use value is exchanged for another use value. --Karl Marx.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, as is the case with every science. I welcome any scientific criticism. As for the so-called prejudices of public opinion, which I never give in to, I still abide by the motto of the great Florentine poet: Go your way and let people tell! --Karl Marx.

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