:Examples and Applications of Pivot Tables How to Refresh and Change Data Sources of Pivot Tables-Table skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Examples and Applications of Pivot Tables How to Refresh and Change Data Sources of Pivot Tables

  • Image and text skills

How do we refresh the PivotTable after we modify the data source?


■ Taking this table as an example, we open the pivot table and change 6 in Xiao Chen's sales quantity D2 to 8.

Click on the pivot table and see that the values ​​will not be updated synchronously.

We select the pivot table area, right-click - Refresh, and you can see that the content is refreshed.


■ If there are multiple pivot tables, you can choose to refresh them all. Select the data above the toolbar - Refresh All to complete the refresh.


■ If you are worried about forgetting to refresh, you can right-click-PivotTable Options-Data-check "Refresh data when opening file" and click OK.

This way, every time you re-open the file, it will be automatically refreshed.


The above situation is applicable to the situation where only the table data is changed without adding rows and columns.


■ Assuming that we change the rows and columns of the data source, it is not possible to refresh directly.

Let's add a column of data to the eighth row of the source table to try the operation.


■ Click to refresh the PivotTable and find that the data is not updated synchronously. At this time we need to change the data source.


■ Click Analysis-Change Data Source-Select the new data source on the toolbar above the PivotTable. Click OK to see that the data has been refreshed.


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