:Examples and Applications of Pivot Tables Common Error Causes of Pivot Tables-Table skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Examples and Applications of Pivot Tables Common Error Causes of Pivot Tables

  • Picture and text skills

When we use Pivot Tables, we occasionally encounter Pivot Table errors. So what is the cause?


■1. When creating a pivot table, I was prompted with "Invalid field name".

When we created the pivot table, we were prompted by the system that the pivot table field name was invalid. This was because a column in our data table source had no title.


We will add the title and we can create the pivot table normally.


■2. The word "blank" appears in the pivot table.

There is obviously no word "blank" in our data source, but why is there a blank in the pivot table?


This is because there are merged cells in our data source table. If you cancel the merged cells and complete them, then refresh the pivot table, there will be no blank spaces.


■3. Why can't we group pivot table dates?


This is because the date in our data source table is in a non-standard format. Just correct the date format.


■4. Why does the sum calculation result in the pivot table display 0?


It's because the values ​​in our data source table appear to be non-numeric, so just change them to numbers.


It seems that when there are problems in the process of creating pivot tables, most of them are due to errors in filling in our data source tables. Have you learned all the above tips?

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