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Pivot table practical cases and problem analysis

The following is the article content rewritten according to your request, retaining HTML and image address information: --- When using Pivot Tables, we may encounter some errors. The following are some common problems and their solutions: 1. When creating a pivot table, I am prompted with "Invalid field name". - This is usually because a column in the data table source has no header. After adding the title, the pivot table can be created normally. ![Common causes of errors in pivot tables 1.gif](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/5b6f7d5de789dee362abb28eea2d5ca0.gif) 2. The word "blank" appears in the pivot table. - This may be because merged cells exist in the data source table. Unmerge the cells and complete them, then refresh the PivotTable to remove the blanks. ![Common reasons for pivot table errors 3.gif](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/6bb6208876b19d59eb0352c6868938d4.gif) 3. Why can’t pivot table dates be grouped? - This is usually because the date in the data source table is in a non-standard format. After correcting the date format, grouping can be performed. ![Common Pivot Table Error Causes 5.gif](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/f3e1316223af22249ce24398f4c7afc4.gif) 4. The calculated sum result in the pivot table is displayed as 0. - This may be because the values ​​in the data source table are in a non-numeric format. After changing it to numeric format, the calculated sum displays correctly. ![Common reasons for pivot table errors 7.gif](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/19236b07a482960bda59aa9c0a94d1d5.gif) Most of the problems encountered when creating a pivot table are Caused by errors in filling in the data source table. Hope the above tips are helpful to you. ---Please note that the video tag `
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