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Charges, course sales, account invalidation...don't be fooled by fake ChatGPT!

On May 18, local time, OpenAI, an artificial intelligence development organization, released a free ChatGPT application for iPhone in the United States, which includes voice input support through its Whisper AI speech recognition model. The App can also chat synchronously with the web version of the AI ​​assistant. Record. This is the first time that ChatGPT has launched an official mobile client application. This news has once again aroused public attention to ChatGPT.

As ChatGPT becomes popular around the world, a number of social public accounts, mini programs, apps and other products containing "ChatGPT" in their names have emerged in large numbers, and their avatars are very similar to the official ChatGPT icon. Are these ChatGPT services real or fake? The journalist made an interview about this.

Error answering question

Charges apply when the number of times is used up

The reporter searched in the application mall using "ChatGPT" as the keyword, and apps such as "Chinese version of intelligent AI chat robot", "AI chat writing robot" and "ChatGPT core Chinese version of chat creation robot" appeared in the results column. There are also many public accounts, such as "Chat Intelligent AI", "Super AI Intelligent Chat", etc. The main accounts are various technology or digital companies. Web search mostly displays various entrances, such as "chat4.0-domestic entrance", "Gpt domestic entrance", etc.

Apps with similar names to "ChatGPT" in the app store

Such apps and public accounts provide language chat functions similar to ChatGPT, and the avatar and logo are very similar to ChatGPT. They may change the background color, change the direction of the pattern, or change the size of the pattern, which is extremely confusing.

The reporter entered an "intelligent AI chatbot" App with nearly 70,000 downloads. Its introduction is "This is a revolutionary artificial intelligence software" and "an intelligent dialogue model based on deep learning algorithms." The reporter’s test found that the App only has one free question. After using it, you need to recharge to become a member to continue using the App. The prices are 168 yuan for a continuous annual subscription, 98 yuan for a continuous quarterly subscription, and 68 yuan for a continuous monthly subscription. To become a permanent member, It costs 198 yuan. The App says that after subscribing to the membership, you can get unlimited questions.

In another app that claims to have “unlimited sessions, the most intelligent GPT model, the fastest access speed, and no ads,” the reporter spent 38 yuan to purchase a monthly membership to gain the right to ask questions. When asked "who developed it," the app responded that it "is an AI model, developed and trained by the OpenAI team, and runs on their AI platform." However, the reporter's inquiry found that the developer of the App was actually an individual.

On the public account platform, reporters found that many accounts claim to be able to connect users to ChatGPT, but the actual experience is not like this.

The reporter paid attention to a social public account named "××AI". The registration time was January 30, 2023, and the IP belongs to Henan. The introduction shows that it is "the most popular intelligent chat software on the Internet at the moment, with a built-in open dialogue and chat section (i.e. open chat AI)". After paying attention, the system pops up a link "Download the App and get a 3-day membership for free", requiring you to register and log in with your mobile phone number and verification code. After completion, when the reporter clicked on its sub-column "Chat AI", the system prompted "the page does not exist." This means that the reporter provided the operator with a mobile phone number but did not enjoy the relevant services.

Another social public account named "××pro1", the account subject is "individual", the IP is located in Anhui, and the registration time is May 7, 2023. Among the messages he pushed, there was an article titled "××pro has been suspended for violation of regulations, and this account will continue to serve!" "Article. After paying attention, the system pops up the "GPT usage address" and card purchase address, and displays the "GPT usage" entrance at the bottom of the page. When the reporter clicked on the entrance, the system sent a picture that said "Due to regulatory requirements, you can directly enter the website for use." According to the system prompts, the reporter entered a page called "ChatGPT" and asked "What day is today?" The system replied "Today is May 20, 2023." But in fact, that day was May 23, 2023.

After asking questions 4 times in a row, the system displayed "The number of trials has been exhausted" and asked to "purchase a key". After clicking, it jumped to another purchase link. The products included "Trial Day Card Key 8.8 yuan" and "Monthly Card Key 39.9 "Quarter card key is 88 yuan", "Annual card key is 298 yuan", "Gpt4.0 official registration and recharge is 220 yuan". The product details page shows "a brand new site, the fastest on the Internet, rock-solid chat, no account ban" and "based on the latest official OpenAI 3.5 data interface, returning data in real time."

Industry insiders told reporters that most of the registered entities or development companies behind such apps or official accounts are domestic small and micro enterprises, with registered capital generally ranging from several million to tens of millions of yuan, but paid-in capital of only a few hundred thousand yuan. Yuan, the company's business scope mostly covers technology development and technical services in the fields of computer information, network, and electronic technology.

"Some of these Apps, websites or public accounts are simply developed by the company, and some are used by the company to use its ChatGPT account registered overseas to generate mirror products similar to ChatGPT in China. They use cloud servers or other programs to form interfaces. One end is connected to overseas official programs, and the other end is connected to domestic users. When users ask questions on the local App, they will forward it to the official website and then pass it back to the user. The cost is very low." said the above-mentioned industry insider.

He also reminded that some businesses act as "second-rate dealers" and provide mirroring services to domestic netizens, which risks leaking user privacy. Once such mirroring access inquiries involve sensitive information such as individuals and businesses, the information will be exposed to the companies that provide mirroring services. , and will also be uploaded to the OpenAI server.

According to Du Xiujun, a lawyer at Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm, if these apps or official accounts have nothing to do with ChatGPT, but are named "ChatGPT" and even have icons that are consistent or similar to it, consumers will mistakenly think that the program is "ChatGPT" or has a specific connection with it, then this behavior is suspected of violating the Trademark Law and the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, and may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition.

“For OpenAI, if it has not registered the ChatGPT text and graphic trademark in China, the above behavior may constitute unfair competition; if it has registered the relevant trademark, the above behavior may be suspected of infringing OpenAI’s trademark rights and constitute unfair competition. "Du Xiujun said.

In addition, Du Xiujun believes that Apps or official accounts promote the free use of "ChatGPT" to attract users to charge and then recharge to make profits, Du Xiujun believes that this may violate the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law and the Consumer Rights Protection Law, and the industrial and commercial administration department may in accordance with the law Investigate and impose fines; in serious cases, it may also constitute fraud.

Account transactions occur frequently

It will expire after one month of use

Account trading is another way for some merchants to make money using ChatGPT.

Reporters recently searched on e-commerce platforms, forums, social groups and second-hand trading platforms and found that there are a number of merchants selling ChatGPT accounts, and some merchants have launched monthly access services with a considerable number of members. However, under the review mechanism, some merchants are selling accounts in the name of selling App peripheral products.

Searching for keywords such as "G Pi Kick", you can see many merchants selling ChatGPT accounts. Most of them use "spot goods for personal use in seconds" and "automatic delivery" as advertising words, with prices ranging from 25 yuan to 259 yuan. wait. These accounts are divided into short-term shared accounts, personal exclusive accounts with a limited time limit, and permanent personal exclusive accounts. Judging from the comments in the comment area, many people have been deceived.

The reporter randomly clicked to enter a merchant, and the system sent a text: "Just place an order directly. The tutorial is the G product number you want. The operation is simple, and sensitive words will not be replied. Take a photo and get a usage tutorial, so novices can easily get started. ", there is also a link. After clicking to enter, you can see the other party's prompts "Please use g instead of GPT when chatting" "Here is the ChatGPT account you want" "Mainly use regular ×× email to register manually" "All are official and unique. "Enjoy account" etc.

Under a certain product link, some users who have purchased said they need to constantly change their passwords.

Another merchant sent a price list: Package One 3.5 version is 28.8 yuan, Package Two 4.0 version is 190 yuan. The reporter asked "will my account be blocked after using it once or twice?", and the other party replied "no". After purchasing Package 1, the merchant will automatically send you your account number and password, along with usage tutorials, including how to download and log in using a VPN. However, after the reporter tried several times, the system always prompted information such as login failure or that the account number and password did not exist.

In the comment area of ​​some sellers who provide account services, the reporter noticed that many netizens left messages saying that "the account password cannot be used in less than a month" and "can only be used for one day, so I spent money to buy an experience."

For this kind of phenomenon, the above-mentioned industry insiders explained that most of the accounts sold on e-commerce platforms are registered in batches, that is, registered in batches using a program, which can easily be detected by the backend and lead to account closure. However, assuming it is an individual registered account, the risk is much lower. .

On a certain second-hand trading platform, reporters found that in addition to providing ChatGPT agency registration services, there are also many sellers providing agency services.

The reporter randomly contacted a seller who provided agency services. The other party said that most of the consumers who came to consult wanted to use ChatGPT to complete article writing work. They also said that "papers written by ChatGPT within a thousand words are more readable. Papers with more word count can be broken into questions, but it can be broken into pieces." The structure that comes out may not be the structure you want.”

Regarding the above-mentioned types of ChatGPT agency registration and inquiry business, Du Xiujun believes that the above-mentioned business activities violate the "Interim Regulations on the Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks".

Articles 6 and 14 of the "Interim Provisions on the Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks" stipulate that direct international networking of computer information networks must use the international entrance and exit channels provided by the national public telecommunications network of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. No unit or individual may establish or use other channels for international networking.

"For profit-making purposes, using foreign servers to build VPNs, operating VPN services without permission from the national information industry department, and operating and buying and selling foreign accounts are suspected of illegal operations. Operators are generally ordered to stop networking and given a warning by the public security agency. A fine of not more than 15,000 yuan can be imposed, and if there are illegal gains, the illegal gains will be confiscated. If the circumstances are serious and the amount involved is relatively large, it may constitute a crime and criminal liability must be pursued." Du Xiujun said that if consumers purchase such services or recharge If you lose a member, you may face difficulties in safeguarding your rights and making refunds afterwards.

Teaching courses are all the rage

Actual content water injection

There are also many people who have launched courses related to ChatGPT, including how to use ChatGPT and various trend predictions. The reporter's search found that there are quite a few courses, communities and materials that "teach you how to make money with ChatGPT" circulating on the Internet.

In a larger "××ChatGPT AI Monetization Circle", the reporter saw that its courses are priced at 279 yuan. The introduction page reads: "The original price is 599 yuan. The current early bird price will gradually increase after 10,000 people." The price increases according to the number of people." The number of paying people has exceeded 10,000.

After paying a fee, the reporter entered the social group and browsed for a while and found that the "teaching courses" were mostly conceptual content, including a brief introduction to ChatGPT, foreign news and application scenarios about ChatGPT, etc. There are also some practical cases shared by other members of the community, including using ChatGPT for AI painting, making PPT, writing meeting minutes, etc., but these are almost all basic application scenarios of ChatGPT, and you can learn them for free by searching online.

In another "×× money-making community by ChatGPT" priced at 100 yuan, the introduction page reads: "The community's exclusive secret recipe for making money; the money will be paid back within one year; experts guide the use of ChatGPT." Some buyers said that the The "exclusive secret recipe for making money in the community" claimed by the social group is actually a "low-threshold guide to harvesting wool", which includes attracting people to register new users on various apps, earning cashback red envelopes by swiping ads, forwarding ads in social groups, etc. .

Ms. Xie from Huaihua, Hunan Province spent 380 yuan to purchase a course on "Making Money with ChatGPT". After studying for two or three days, she said she was cheated. "This course mainly teaches how to use ChatGPT to draw, including usage methods, prompt word techniques, and how to adjust parameters after AI draws pictures, etc. Most of these can be found online and are free," Ms. Xie said.

In addition to some specific operation methods, the reporter noticed that most courses will describe "making money" for users, such as using AI painting to add graphics to commentary videos to receive some small editing orders on the market; or using ChatGPT Write official documents, ghostwrite papers, speeches, etc.; some use software to generate copy first, then use the copy to generate videos, and finally put the videos on various video platforms.

Some netizens left messages saying that they had made some videos based on the course content, but the playback volume was almost single digits; others were intercepted when putting their videos on the platform, and were prompted by the system that "the posted videos have problems with simple processing methods."

"At present, AI has not yet been perfected, and it is too ideal to be able to generate dozens of popular articles in a day. In this wave of selling courses, the main selling points of some self-media courses are 'breakthrough', 'realization' and 'nuggets', etc., regardless of Whether it is the copywriting or the course theme, the first impression given to consumers is that 'after completing the course, you can reach the top of your life.'" The above-mentioned industry insiders said that these merchants may not understand the commercial application of ChatGPT and simply use this hot topic In order to gain profits, they stand at the top of the trend, seize traffic, create popular topics, and use anxiety to make money, which is suspected of "cutting leeks".

He reminded that in the face of fierce competition in the paid knowledge market, sellers must maintain an honest and responsible attitude whether they are selling ChatGPT accounts or providing course services. At the same time, consumers must remain rational, not be fooled by false propaganda, and choose appropriate channels and methods to obtain information and knowledge.


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