Questionnaire:42 questionnaires run by the physical business system. Test to see if you can score 80 points for yourself?-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

42 questionnaires run by the physical business system. Test to see if you can score 80 points for yourself?

42 business thinking survey questions to help you understand business realization clearly The thinking logic of sustainable operation and sustainable development!

I published an article earlier called "70 Business Questionnaires About the Specific Operations of the Business". These 70 questions are to help you review the current situation of running your business, and these 42 questionnaires The questionnaire is to allow you to think about the thinking logic of how your business can continue to operate and make money continuously. By effectively combining these 42 questions with the previous 70 questions, you can initially form your own systematic business thinking.

For a businessman to run any kind of business, the right time, the right location, and the right people are all indispensable.

Why is it difficult to do physical business in China? The phenomenon you see is just the tip of the iceberg, so doing physical business is like a siege: people who are doing business want to get out; people who are not doing business want to come in;
Look at you under these icebergs Invisible crisis, you may understand that doing physical business is far from simple as you think.

When you run a physical business, you have to support not just your family, but we support too many people!

As long as you open the door, open the rolling shutter door, set off the firecrackers, put out the flower baskets, and say that I am open, the industrial and commercial tax will come in that afternoon, and he will tell you that this store will last for a month The tax of 2,000 yuan is called a fixed tax.

There are also various fees: health fees, management fees, and fees from more than a dozen other departments, etc.

People who have never done physical business often only think that the cost of a store is just rent, labor costs, purchase costs, etc. The problem is that there are all kinds of invisible things in offline stores Hidden costs, these hidden expenses, feed a large number of people.

The real economy is really difficult. How to solve this problem is worth pondering for everyone: What is more powerful than a tiger?

This requires people who do physical business to think more deeply about business than people who do e-commerce, and their requirements are also higher. Then you should take a good look at the following 42 questions. , conduct self-analysis. If you don't understand it clearly, people outside the siege should not easily squeeze into the siege.

1. Top-level business thinking (7 questions)

1. What is the ultimate money-making model for my business? (How to make money, please understand the three main ways to make money in business)

2. What is the main way to make money in my current business? (current way of making money)

3. What kind of business model am I going to use? (Such as single store, self-operated chain, export franchise)

4. What is the overall five-year development plan for my business? (Number of stores, total sales, tax plan in 5 years...)

5. To achieve the five-year planning goals, what is the current biggest shortcoming? (Which place do you think will be the biggest obstacle)

6. In order to realize the 5-year plan, how will I plan to implement it? (Increase investment to open stores, create influential franchises, integrate peers to achieve fission)

7. What is the best project/technology/product for my business now? (Why)

2. Business status analysis (18 questions)

1. What is the biggest core advantage of my current business? (Fill in only 1 item with a specific description, such as technology, talent, marketing...)

2. What is the main business of my business? (What products and projects are the main products...)

3. Compared with direct competitors, what are the visible competitive advantages of my business?

4. Among my main businesses, which ones are the most profitable? Which products are consumed most frequently?

6. What other resources/products do I currently have related to my main business?

7. What problems does my main business solve for customers and what value does it provide?

8. In my main business, what are the tangible values ​​that customers can perceive? (describe with numbers)

9. What is the biggest obstacle currently preventing your business from making money/development?

10. What effective methods am I currently using to solve these obstacles?

11. What is the influence of my product/brand in the local area? (customer testimonials)

12. What are the main ways or channels through which I can build influence?

13. Do you use short videos (Douyin, Kuaishou, video accounts) to develop your business? (Customer expansion, influence creation)

If you haven’t used short video as a tool in your business yet, you are really lagging behind. Regarding short videos (Douyin, Kuaishou), we have special short video optimization Tools, private messages.

14. If not, are there any plans to build influence through short videos?

15. Is my team familiar with short video operations? (Is there a professional team?)

16. If not, how much money do I plan to invest in building such a team? (Team fees + operating expenses)

17. Who are my target customers? (Accurate target customer portrait)

18. What are the purchasing habits of my target customers? (Discount, cheapness, debt, quality, price)

18. Which feature does my target customer pay most attention to when purchasing similar products (quality, price, promotion...)

3. Business operation status (10 questions)

1. Does my business have complete operating data (break-even point, financial data, sales data, operating data)?

These data have detailed data survey types in the 70 questionnaires in the previous article.

2. Does my business have a complete performance target plan?

3. What is the current break-even point of my business? (precise data)

4. What is the current incentive method for employees in my business? (Basic salary + commission or something else...)

5. If I am absent, will my employees automatically achieve their daily work results?

6. What measures have I taken to enable employees to automatically achieve performance? How's the effect?

7. How long does it take to train a qualified employee in my business? Trained by whom? What kind of training is used?

8. How stable is my team? (Approximately what is the employee turnover rate)

9. How is the average income of my team's employees compared to local and competitors?

10. If I want to open another store immediately, can I copy it immediately?

4. Competition status (competitors)

1. Who are my direct competitors? How many hotels are there in the surrounding 10 kilometers?

2. How do I compete with my direct competitors? What have I done to compete?

3. What are my advantages over my competitors?

4. Is there any possibility of cooperation between competitors?

5. Is there anything in my business that makes my peers envious? (Peers want to imitate)

6. How many peers do I know currently? How frequently do you communicate with these peers?

7. What is the most talked about topic among peers? (Everyone’s anxiety)

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