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“Secrets to saving money: font design tutorials to help you avoid huge losses”

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The following article comes from Font Gang, author Liu Bingke

Font Help

One word a day, grow together

Liu Bingke

A while ago, a friend on WeChat told me something like this. I’ll post a screenshot for you to see:

However, this is not an isolated case. I searched the previous WeChat chat records and found that there are many similar situations, such as the following screenshots:

In this official font design tutorial, a few WeChat screenshots are inserted at the beginning. It seems not very serious, but through the chat content, everyone should have noticed that this topic is already very, very serious. These screenshots are not for anything else, I just want to remind everyone again through real cases around me:

Font library fonts cannot be used casually!

In fact, any designer with some experience will be very clear about this issue and there is no need to elaborate on it. However, there will always be many novices or students who have just entered the design workplace who do not understand this and will unknowingly , making such mistakes will cause serious losses to yourself or the company.

In recent years, with the vigorous development of the font design industry, the relevant laws and regulations regarding the copyright protection of fonts have also become increasingly improved. When you are designing without purchasing the font license, you may accidentally use If you use non-free fonts, your behavior is equivalent to planting a time bomb for Party A, your company, and yourself. You don’t know when, with a bang, a lawyer’s letter will come to you and explode at any time.

There are only two ways to avoid such mistakes:

1. Purchase the font copyright.

Many people think that font libraries are very expensive and cannot afford to buy them. I personally think that this is still a matter of awareness. To design a font library, every stroke and every component needs to be carefully designed and adjusted. It is not easy to design a font library product. The price is directly proportional to the human and financial resources of the font company. Just like what we often joke about, we cannot help people design logos for free. Font libraries are the brainpower and efforts of more designers. You have no reason to use them for free. Font libraries cannot be too cheap.

There is another point that needs to be emphasized. Logically speaking, this fee needs to be paid by Party A. As a designer, you should make it clear to Party A that if the other party recognizes a certain font, then pay for it. If you are reluctant to pay, For money, you can only use free public welfare fonts.

Two, redesign the font.

The second method is, of course, to redesign the font, which is divided into two methods:

One, stroke by stroke, design a brand new font.

This method is difficult for novice designers. It may take several months or even longer to learn and practice before they can basically master the principles of font design.

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/sheng-qian-mi-jue-zi-ti-she-ji-jiao-cheng-zhu-ni-bi-mian-ju-e-sun-shi.html

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