stripes pictures:Mysterious optical phenomenon appears, colorful stripes appear on the ice surface in Norway, experts say: never seen before-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Mysterious optical phenomenon appears, colorful stripes appear on the ice surface in Norway, experts say: never seen before

Interesting news: In the sky after the rain, behind the sprinkler truck on the road, many people have seen the beautiful rainbow of seven colors. In the scientific community, rainbows have long been explained. They are a type of optical refraction phenomenon. In addition to forming rainbows in the sky, optical refraction can also form colorful patterns on the surface of objects. For example, gasoline dripping on water will appear in seven colors. The scientific community also calls this phenomenon "thin film interference." But last year, a mysterious optical phenomenon troubled several scientists.

In February last year, a skater named Markkanen went skating on the natural ice on the Norwegian island of Senja and witnessed a mysterious optical phenomenon. He noticed strange colorful colors reflecting brightly on the ice near the sun. Fortunately, Markkanen was armed with a camera and tripod and was able to capture the optical phenomenon on film.

Judging from the picture, two colorful stripes appear on the bright reflective surface of the ice, forming a "herringbone" shape. They are like a rainbow. What causes the rainbow-like color phenomenon? Obviously, this is not a so-called "thin film interference" phenomenon. Because no one is bored enough to pour oil on the ice. Markkanen contacted a number of experts in the fields of color and atmospheric optics to find out.

However, unexpectedly, experts on this mysterious optical phenomenon are also at a loss. Scientist Les Cowley said this optical phenomenon has never been seen on ice before. Therefore, this phenomenon has always puzzled scientists. Until now, retired professor Dietrich Zawischa from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Hannover found the answer after some research.

Zawischa used computer simulation software to create similar colors and came to the final conclusion: these colorful lines are caused by the interference of light refracted by fine particles on the ice surface, which is different from the "thin film interference" phenomenon. Zawischa pointed out that such beautiful natural ice is very rare, and this optical effect is so rare that it has not yet been defined by science.

As for the formation of fine particles on the ice, Zawischa also explained that these particles may be formed by snowfall when calm water freezes. Generally speaking, this is a natural optical phenomenon, but because it occurs relatively rarely, there has been no specific explanation or definition of it in the scientific community before. For interesting exploration content, please follow the only WeChat public account: Interesting Exploration

Written by: Xiaomu, Editor: Tianya

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