:Step-by-step guide to setting your default font-Writing skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Step-by-step guide to setting your default font

When we create a new document, we sometimes need to adjust the required font format. Here are the steps on how to set the default font: 1. First, click the "Font" attribute icon in the lower right corner of the "Start" tab of the document editing interface, or use the shortcut Ctrl+D. 2. In the pop-up font setting panel, select the font style you want. Take boldface and red as an example, set it to boldface and set the font color to red. 3. Click the "Default" button to confirm and apply these settings as your default font style. 4. After completing the settings, when you reopen WPS text for document editing, the default font you set will be automatically used for editing. The following are relevant pictures and video links to assist explanation: - Operation step pictures: [Method steps.png](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/bccf8f501a092ee62d67745e209abab1.png) - GIF animation of the font setting panel operation: [3.gif](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/8401d403d91d9f7ae4d10706f51ecf97.gif) - GIF animation of the editing interface after applying the default font: [4.gif](https://font2020.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/wps/images/7cec48d5cc90929fcf40f7c98f202873.gif) Please note that the above content may need to be adjusted appropriately based on the actual tool or software version used.

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