How to add video to ppt:How to create a micro-lecture with PPT and real-person appearances? Have you learned it?-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How to create a micro-lecture with PPT and real-person appearances? Have you learned it?

How to create a micro-lecture using PPT and real people? This is an excellent basic education course, suitable for first-year students, and the lecturer is Guang Liubai.

Are there really teachers who don’t know how to create micro-lectures with PPT and real-person appearances? Let’s talk about it again today, remember to like and collect it. In fact, it is very simple to create such a micro-lecture with PPT and real people.

First prepare two pieces of material, one is a recorded explanation video of yourself appearing in person, and the other is a PPT courseware video. You can use many software that can key out images. Take film clipping as an example:

First import the PPT courseware video, then click "Picture-in-Picture" to import the live-action explanation video and crop out the unnecessary parts.

Click "Smart Keying" or "Chroma Keying", then adjust the position of the portrait and place it in a suitable position. Or you can import both videos first, and then switch the portrait video to "Picture-in-Picture". The cutout operation is the same as above.

Next, you can perform post-processing based on the sound of the real person explaining the video, crop the picture, and then identify the subtitles after aligning the picture, so that the subtitles are available.

Click "Edit" to modify typos in the subtitles, and finally click "Export" in the upper right corner according to the parameter requirements.

In this way, the micro-lecture with PPT and real-person appearances is completed. Isn’t it very simple? Have you learned it? Remember to like and collect! This is a subject about Chinese (unified edition).

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