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How to insert a chart into a document

  • Picture and text skills

We are usingWPSWhen text-editing a document and working on it, what should I do if I want to insert a chart into the document to assist?



▪Taking this document as an example, if we want to insert a pie chart to show the proportion effect.

Click Insert - Chart on the menu bar above, and in the All Charts dialog box that pops up, select Pie Chart.

WPS Rice Shell provides everyone with exquisite chart templates, which can be used by double-clicking.


▪How to modify the chart data after inserting the chart?

Click on the chart, then click Chart Tools-Edit Data in the menu bar above.

Open the WPS table default chart data at this time. After modifying the data, click on the upper left corner to save.

At this time, the charts in the document will change as the data is modified.


▪In Chart Tools-Add Elements, you can set chart elements.


In Chart Tools-Quick Layout, you can quickly change the overall layout of the chart.


In Chart Tools-Online Charts, WPS Rice Husk provides us with exquisite chart styles.


In Chart Tools-Change Type, you can change this chart to other types of charts.


On the right side, you can quickly select the chart components and click Format to quickly set the format of the chart.


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