:How to quickly insert formulas into reports using the formula function-Writing skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How to quickly insert formulas into reports using the formula function

  • Image and text skills

When writing research reports or papers, are you still entering formulas manually and don’t know how to insert symbols, fractions, superscripts and subscripts in the formulas? Don't worry, WPS text can be directly inserted into formulas. What should I do if I want to insert a formula into the following report?


Open the file and click the "Formula" button in "Insert" Pull down and you can see that there are some built-in formulas in the formula option bar. Select the formula directly to automatically insert it into the report. Click the formula to drag the formula position as you like. The drop-down button on the right side of the formula can set the formula to be inline. Mode or custom selection formula position. After inserting the formula, click the symbol in the formula to correct the value.


What if there is no formula you need among the built-in formulas? Click the "Formula"-"Insert New Formula" button. At this time, a variety of formula symbol choices will appear in the upper menu bar. Just click the symbol directly according to the formula you need to insert.


Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/ru-he-tong-guo-gong-shi-gong-neng-kuai-su-zai-bao-gao-zhong-cha-ru-gong-shi.html

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