:How to use PDF signature-PDF tips免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How to use PDF signature

  • Picture and text skills

Sometimes at work, our documents need to be signed.

However, the document has been scanned. If you add more signatures, you need to scan it again.

This is a waste of time, PDF signature can help us solve it.



Take this PDF file as an example. If there is a signature before, you can use it directly.Click the "Insert" tab in sequence -"PDF signature" button.



Click on the existing signature and move the mouse to the location where the signature is required.

If you need to embed a document, apply it to multiple pages, or delete it, just click on it already setup.



If there is no signature before, we can create a new signature to add it.

Click the "Insert" tab - "PDF Signature" button, and drop down to select " Create signature".



In the "PDF Signature" dialog interface, we can add pictures and enter content.

Create by handwriting signature content. After creation, if you are afraid of losing it, you can Check Sync to cloud for backup.

After it is created, it can be applied. Have you learned it?


Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/ru-he-shi-yong-PDF-qian-ming.html

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