:How to merge and split text table cells-Writing skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

How to merge and split text table cells

  • Image and text skills

When writing document content daily, explain or demonstrate a certain point of view in order to demonstrate.

A table will be inserted to assist. Now I will teach you some practical and quick operations.



■ Take this document as an example. If you need to merge units at the header or other locations cell to select the cells that need to be merged.

Click "Table Tools" - "Merge Cells" in sequence and the merge will be successful.



■If some cells need to be split into several cells.

Select the cell and click "Table Tools" - "Split Cells" .

In the pop-up "Split Cells" interface, set the number of columns and rows Just count.



■If you need to split the entire table, click "Table Tools" - "Split table".

Draw down "Split Table" and choose to split by row or column That's it.


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