Prometheus ppt:When will humans get rid of wires?-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

When will humans get rid of wires?

As ​​an old hardware boy, Tony’s desk is always cluttered and filled with all kinds of weird electronic products.

As ​​the number of products increases, the number of data cables increases. Whether it is charging cables or data cables, they all have their own knotting magic. If you don’t organize them, there will be no difference. The sky is in chaos.

Thread management is as daunting as an arduous surgical operation. Just when you think you have found the thread, you have just lifted it. Got the Gamma Knife.

Of course, if you have a skill that is good at storing wires, it seems that it is not difficult to turn messy wires into a work of art.

Unfortunately, such a complicated project prohibits Tony, a handicapped person. . .

Fortunately, there is the smart invention of wireless charging function, which liberates the shackles of some hardware, such as mobile phones, Bluetooth, mice, smart watches, etc., just put it on the charging pad and it will be OK .

It seems that the cable problem has been solved, but fundamentally speaking,if the cable of the wireless charging pad cannot be solved, it cannot be considered truly wireless.< /strong>It’s always uncomfortable to have a line on the table.

It sounds a bit awkward, but for the majority of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, true "radio" (wireless power transmission) is not impossible to achieve.

Nikola Tesla, the originator of the magnetic stormtrooper, had the idea of ​​​​global wireless electrification more than 100 years ago. At first, he used the electromagnetic effect and tried to use two magnetic inductioncouplingcoils to complete short-distance wireless power transmission, and successfully lit up the A light bulb.

It’s these two iron rings⬇️

This technology called Magnetic induction coupling is the wireless charging technology currently used in mobile phones. It is formed within the induction range of two iron rings. Access, wireless charging is so simple.

So as long as you like it, even if you don’t post it, you will still charge it.

After the success of this experiment, Tesla felt that this thing was awesome. If the scope could be expanded,it would not only save the cost of installing wires, but also Reduce energy loss during wire transportationkill two birds with one stone.

He did what he said. In 1889, he defrauded the research funds from the Morgan consortium (originally they invested in him to let him study wireless communications) and started tinkering in Long Island, USA. Something called an amplifying transmitter.

According to Tesla, the amplifier can use electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere to establish a low-frequency resonance with the earth,directly drawing in natural energy and converting it into electrical energy. . .

As ​​long as there is a power receiving end within the range of the transmitter, not only can wireless power transmission be achieved in principle, humans may not even need a power station.

Unfortunately, with the overrun of research funds, Tesla's company was on the verge of bankruptcy, the experimental equipment was dismantled, and no substantial results were obtained.

Tesla's casual experimental habits (he didn't write much experimental reports) left very little experimental data at that time. If future generations wanted to continue the experiments, they would not No way to start.

In ancient times, Prometheus stole fire from the sky, and in modern times, Tesla stole thunder directly from the ionosphere. If this technology research is successful, we may We no longer see the high-voltage power grid that stretches for thousands of miles.

"If this cool thing is researched, we will definitely win a Nobel Prize in Physics" - said the little black fat man.

Naturally, this project that seems to have a chance of success has become fat in the eyes of many people. In recent years, it has attracted investment from Silicon Valley Technology with a PPT version of the so-called wireless charging. There are so many companies.

They are not as big as Tesla. For example, a company called energous has launched a whole-house wireless charging concept, claiming that it is Wireless Charging 2.0.

The promotional video looks very cool. Wireless charging is available anywhere in the home all the time. But upon closer inspection, it turns out that it is actually just a few simple daily shots, with a few charging special effects added, andnot a single pixel of technical content appears. .

There is also a company called uBeam (later renamed Sonic Energy), which even omitted the video and just posted a few pictures and it was fooled.

They even proposed a new ultrasonic wireless charging technology:

uBeam has developed high-power air-coupled ultrasonic transducers that transmit and receive sound waves from 45kHz to 75KHz and can achieve 145dB to 155dB (or 316W/m2 - 3kW/m2) audio output. First convert electricity into sound, then send audio through ultrasonic waves in the air, and then use a receiver at the other end to capture the sound and convert it into electric current.


Convert electricity into sound waves and back into electricity? ? Could this be Doraemon's new mysterious prop? ?

In the Industrial Internet of Things section, it is introduced as follows: without wires, devices can be placed and moved according to needs.

According to this statement, the greater the power of the current, the stronger the ultrasonic waves generated should be. So how do you avoid damaging the parts in the equipment?

Stop talking, Tony is going to make a PPT to help you solve this problem. He specializes in sensors that can resist ultrasonic waves. Just stick them on the outside of the device. Don’t pay too much. Just give it. Just 1% dry shares will do.

Seriously speaking, with current technology, wireless charging technology is not yet hot enough to expand its business scope in daily life.

Regardless of cost, the technical bottleneck lies in theheating issues when sending and receiving high-power electric energy, charging efficiency issues, and compatibility issues between devices.

The relatively mature application of high-power wireless charging is in the field of electric vehicles. It has to be said that the car will be much cleaner after getting rid of the charging cable.

Tony thought that maybe one day in the future, all plugs and sockets would disappear, replaced by induction panels embedded in the walls one after another to provide electricity. All home appliances , it can be charged just by placing it nearby.

Nature's latest research: Wifi can also charge

When the time comes, electronic devices will appear to be “plugged in” at all times, which may one day revolutionize battery technology.

On the day when it is realized, the era of “Energy 5G” will come. . .

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