Safety education for primary school students:National Safety Education Day for Primary and Secondary School Students, a collection of safety knowledge!-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

National Safety Education Day for Primary and Secondary School Students, a collection of safety knowledge!

【2019 Safety Education Day】

Today is the 24th "Safety Education Day" for primary and secondary school students across the country. China has designated the Monday of the last week of March as the "Safety Education Day" for primary and secondary school students nationwide. . The 2019 National Primary and Secondary School Safety Publicity and Education Day is March 25.

[Origin of Safety Education Day]

In 1996, the National Education Commission, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Railways, the National Sports Commission, and the Ministry of Health jointly issued a notice on safety education for primary and secondary school students nationwide, and determined that the Monday of the last week of March each year is the safety education for primary and secondary school students nationwide. day.

This system is established to comprehensively and in-depth promote the safety education of primary and secondary school students, vigorously reduce the incidence of casualty accidents, effectively protect the safety of primary and secondary school students, and promote their healthy growth.

Cultivating children's awareness of safety and self-protection should start with cultivating good routine habits. If you develop a good habit, you will benefit from it throughout your life. A habit is an automatic conditioned reflex, and it refers to a "free" behavior that does not require repeated thinking and repeated choices. The habit becomes natural and ease is within it.

Safety accidents have become the number one cause of death for children under the age of 14. Campus safety involves more than 20 hidden dangers in the life and study of teenagers: food poisoning, sports injuries, online dating safety, traffic accidents, fire dangers, drowning, drug hazards, sexual assault, AIDS, etc. There are Experts pointed out that 80% of accidental injuries can be avoided by improving the self-protection ability of primary and secondary school students through safety education. In order to comprehensively and deeply promote safety education in primary and secondary schools, we must vigorously reduce the occurrence of various casualties. In order to effectively protect the safety of primary and secondary school students and promote their healthy growth, in 1996, seven ministries and commissions including the State Education Commission jointly issued a document and decided to establish a national safety education day system for primary and secondary school students. Therefore, the last Monday of March every year is designated as a national day. Safety Education Day for Primary and Secondary School Students.

[Purpose of National Primary and Secondary School Safety Publicity and Education Day]

In order to comprehensively and deeply promote safety education in primary and secondary schools, vigorously reduce the incidence of various casualties, effectively protect the safety of primary and secondary school students, and promote their healthy growth, the National Education Commission, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Railways , the National Sports Commission and the Ministry of Health jointly issued a notice in early 1996, deciding to establish a national "Safety Education Day" system for primary and secondary school students. On March 25 of that year, Li Lanqing, then member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, delivered a televised speech on the first safety education day for primary and secondary school students nationwide, asking the whole society to pay attention to safety work in primary and secondary schools.

Link: 8 types of safety knowledge

Children's safety education cannot be ignored. Today, the editor has reviewed 8 types of safety knowledge for parents, including fraud prevention, transportation, diet and other aspects.

1. Anti-fraud

Wang Dawei, a professor at the People's Public Security University of China and a well-known crime prevention expert, reminds everyone that the number of criminals abducting children is relatively high in spring, autumn and winter, with a significant increase around the Spring Festival. In terms of specific time, the highest incidence is during the school and after school periods, and the highest incidence is from 5 pm to 10 pm, so you need to be extra vigilant.

Several things that must be taught to children:

Remember your home address and contact number. Be sure to let your children memorize their home address, the full name and phone number of their parents’ workplace, tell them to call the police or call 110 when they are lost or abducted, and simulate special situations to practice with your children.

Don’t talk to strangers. This is one of the most important warnings in the UK. Children should be told not to talk to strangers, and to refuse drinks, candies, gifts and hugs from strangers, not to go with strangers, etc., and not to give criminals the opportunity to deceive. .

Learning to know directions at the age of 3. When a child is 3 years old, he must be taught the correct direction. You might as well learn this song: "The sun rises in the east in the morning, and the Big Dipper stars at night. You must memorize the street house numbers clearly and know how to identify east, west, south, north, and center."

Make a protective card and keep it at home, or give it to the kindergarten or primary school teacher for safekeeping. It is also called a child identification card, invented by the Australian police, and includes the child's index finger fingerprint, DNA, color photos, medical records, blood type, parents' contact information, etc. In addition, older children, especially girls walking at night, can also bring a screaming siren or whistle so that they can call for help and deter bad people when they encounter them.

Stand where you are when you are lost. Tell the children to stand still if they can't find their parents, but don't sit down or squat, lest they are too hidden and cannot be found by their parents.

What should you do if you find your child is missing?

The first move is to broadcast. Find a radio station, neighborhood committee or university where the broadcast can be made. When broadcasting, be sure to clearly describe the child's characteristics, such as what clothes he is wearing and any obvious signs on his body (such as birthmarks, moles, etc.) , parents’ names and contact information, etc.

The second move is to use the "ten people chasing four" method. Once a child is lost, do not give up trying to save yourself. You can use the "Ten people chasing four" method to find it. "Ten people chasing four people" means that the mother must stay put and the father summons 10 people to search in two layers: thick and thin. The specific personnel arrangements are as follows: 4 people search along the road within 2 kilometers in the four directions of east, west, north and south; 4 people go to nearby railway stations, bus stations, etc. to search, the range is still within 2 kilometers, to prevent the gangster from taking away the child and running away. Go to another city; there are two people left, one calls the police and the other stays at home in case the child finds his way home.

The third move is to call the police. There are also skills in calling the police. Children under 2 years old are not very good at walking. If they go missing, they may have been abducted, so they should call the police immediately. Children aged 3-6 years old will not have a large radius of activity. If you look for If you haven’t found him for more than half an hour, and you haven’t seen your kindergarten classmates together, you should call the police in time; if you are a primary school student, it is best to call the police after missing for an hour, and contact your classmates and parents who have a good relationship with him in a timely manner.

2. Traffic safety

1. Consciously abide by traffic rules and refrain from running or playing on the road.

2. When crossing the road, you must use zebra crossings, pedestrian bridges, etc., and do not cross at will.

3. Do not ride bicycles in the middle of the road.

4. Observe public order, wait in line for the bus, do not approach the vehicle until it has stopped, and avoid crowding when getting on or off the bus.

5. Ride in a civilized manner and fasten your seat belt or hold on to the handrails when riding. Don’t ride in dilapidated vehicles.

3. Water safety

Do not play or skate in dangerous places such as rivers, reservoirs, ponds, wells, etc. Recreational activities in these places must be accompanied by parents.

4. Electricity safety

1. Gradually learn to use household appliances under the guidance of parents.

2. Do not move or connect wires, lamp holders, sockets, etc. arbitrarily.

3. Do not play in areas marked with "High Voltage Hazard".

5. Fire safety

1. You are not allowed to play with fire or carry tinder. If you find a fire, you must not try to put it out. You must report it to an adult or call the police in time.

2. Gas and liquefied gas stoves are not allowed to be used when parents are not at home.

3. You must pay attention to safety when setting off fireworks and firecrackers. It is best not to set off or set off under the guidance of parents.

6. Food safety

1. Consciously develop good personal hygiene habits and wash hands before meals and after using the toilet to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.

2. When purchasing packaged food, be sure to read the trademark, production date, shelf life, etc. Do not buy or eat "Three No's" foods or expired foods.

3. When eating raw fruits, be sure to wash them thoroughly before eating them. Do not eat rotten or spoiled fruits. Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited.

4. Avoid overeating to prevent indigestion.

7. Mental safety

1. Stay away from Internet cafes. When surfing the Internet at home, you must follow your parents' instructions, do not log in or view unhealthy websites, and limit the time you spend online.

2. Do not get involved in commercial electronic game rooms, billiard halls, video halls, karaoke halls, dance halls and other entertainment venues.

3. Do not participate in unhealthy entertainment activities, do not listen to, do not believe in, do not spread, and do not participate in feudal superstitious activities.

4. Do not buy or borrow books, periodicals, newspapers, CDs, or videos with unhealthy content; do not watch movies or TV shows that are of low taste. Read more healthy books and watch more optimistic programs. Cultivate civilized behavior and resist negative phenomena.

8. Other aspects of security

1. Don’t trust strangers easily. Don’t open the security door when strangers knock on your door.

2. When traveling or visiting relatives and friends, don’t panic if you get lost. Stay where you are and wait for your parents to find you or call 110 in time to ask for help from the police.

3. When watching a game, performance or movie, line up to enter, take your seat according to the number, and be a civilized audience. At the end of a game or performance, wait until most people have left before following the team out. Do not crowd outside during the peak exit period.

4. Keep away from flammable and explosive items and corrosive chemicals.

5. Do not steal or rob, form gangs, or fight.

6. Strengthen self-protection awareness. If you encounter extortion or robbery, tell your parents or call the police immediately. Don’t accept strangers, don’t be fooled by strangers’ sweet talk, and prevent being abducted or trafficked.

Small hidden dangers cannot be ignored

Especially regarding the safety of children!

This safety knowledge requires

Children and parents learn together!

True love for life, safety first!

Source: Xuancheng Emergency Management Bureau, Xuancheng No. 12 Middle School

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