cad font file:Help! My CAD drawings cannot display fonts-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Help! My CAD drawings cannot display fonts

Hello, this is the BIM software installation manager.

What is the most annoying thing about opening drawings in CAD? Then SHX will definitely bear the brunt! After the replacement, there are a lot of errors and question marks, which gives me a headache just looking at it!

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One or more SHX files are missing

Do you often have this experience? Every time you open a CAD drawing, a window missing SHX files always pops up. My heart screamed: "WHAT???". I hurriedly searched Baidu, but I still didn’t understand.

Sometimes I choose to ignore SHX and open it, and find that the text on the drawing disappears, sometimes I choose to replace the file for each SHX, and the result is opened I found it was all "?".

In fact, the main reason is that the file lacks the corresponding CAD font. There are many types of CAD fonts. The fonts developed by CAD have the suffix .SHX. These SHX files are saved in the fonts folder under the CAD installation directory.

If your CAD lacks these fonts, a missing SHX file window will pop up almost every time you open someone else's CAD file.


If the font card is installed, the display will not be complete< /span>

At this time, if you search for hundreds of megabytes or even one gigabyte of font libraries online, download and install them. Whether there is a virus or not, when opening CAD drawings, especially construction drawings, the font may still be displayed as "?".

The larger the font library you install, the slower it will be to open CAD. Therefore, it is not recommended to install such a CAD font library of several hundred megabytes.

▲"Large" font library that slows down CAD


Condensed version of the CAD universal font library!

Without further ado, today I share with you this condensed version of the CAD self-font library, which is simple, lightweight, and very practical.

As the saying goes, "remove the dross and take the essence", these essential fonts for architecture are obtained from structural drawing software by relevant practitioners. It is extracted, so it can solve most of these "?", and only the right medicine can solve the problem.

And this font library is only more than 50MB. With this condensed version of CAD universal fonts, you see the fonts disappear or "? ",No more headaches, I will take you through it easily.

Want to quickly open CAD drawings?

Want to open CAD drawings without displaying "?"?

The producers have prepared it for you

CAD universal font condensed version

Lets you open CAD drawings

Stay away from font disappearing and "?"

Note: The problem of niche fonts cannot be solved temporarily

CAD universal font library condensed version

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