work briefing template:Youth and youth will eventually live up to their expectations, and the back wave will start a new journey—Fuzhou Changle Vocational College’s work briefing at the beginning of the fall semester of 2020-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Youth and youth will eventually live up to their expectations, and the back wave will start a new journey—Fuzhou Changle Vocational College’s work briefing at the beginning of the fall semester of 2020

Make decisions and act to create greater glory. The autumn breeze brings coolness, and accompanied by the sunshine of September, we usher in a new semester full of longing and hope.

1. Comprehensive deployment and actual combat drills

In order to carry out various tasks for the opening of the school year, the school held a plenary administrative meeting on the morning of August 29. Principal Zheng Dehuang presided over and conveyed the spirit and content of the video conference on epidemic prevention and control in schools across the province. At the meeting, Principal Zheng Dehuang emphasized that every administrative leader should attach great importance to the prevention and control of the epidemic during the resumption of school, and each responsible office should fully implement the preparation work, provide strong guarantees, and effectively implement the 24-hour duty system. In accordance with the requirements of the District Education Bureau for the fall semester, the meeting studied and deployed the emergency response drill for epidemic prevention and control of Changle Vocational School's resumption of school.

At 14:30 pm on August 30, members of the school’s COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control leadership group, all section chiefs, counselors, dormitory logistics and other staff participated in the emergency drill. The school's epidemic prevention and control work leading group attended the entire drill process, and organized relevant personnel involved in the school's prevention and control to hold a pre-epidemic prevention and control drill meeting based on the actual situation to provide guidance on key aspects of emergency response, conduct detailed training on the drill process, and propose Clarify requirements and precautions.

2. Campus disinfection and cleaning

The school arranges staff to conduct comprehensive disinfection of public areas such as classrooms, training rooms, dormitories, canteens, corridors and bathrooms three times a day to ensure the health and safety of teachers and students at the school.

3. Flag raising ceremony

The solemn flag-raising ceremony kicked off the opening ceremony. Amidst the loud national anthem, the national flag slowly rose and floated in the air, and all the teachers and students of the school saluted with attention. Vice President Huang Ting presided over the ceremony and gave the first national flag speech of the new semester. He put forward requirements for the cultivation of civilized etiquette, campus environmental protection, socialist core values, etc. to the students, and required all teachers and students to attach great importance to them. In the work of creating a civilized city, everyone has the responsibility to protect the land, be responsible for protecting the land, and do their best to protect the land; at the same time, it also puts forward requirements for the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic.

4. Epidemic prevention and safety education themed class meeting

Epidemic prevention is the main theme of 2020. Now epidemic prevention and control has become normalized. Although we are currently in a low-risk area, we still cannot relax in epidemic prevention. In the first week of returning to school, The Moral Education Department of our school organized all classes to hold a class meeting with the theme of "Epidemic Prevention Knowledge and Safety Education".

During the class meeting, the head teacher organized students returning to school to watch epidemic prevention knowledge videos, educate students on epidemic prevention and control knowledge, enhance students' awareness of epidemic prevention and control, enhance prevention and control capabilities, and understand and obey their superiors The epidemic prevention and control management system issued by the education administration department and schools. In this "first lesson of the school year", all class teachers used various forms such as theme class meetings, watching videos, and publicity and education to make students respect nature, revere life, and think about the meaning of life under the epidemic.

5. Watch the first lesson of school

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on resolutely winning the battle against epidemic prevention and control, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, implement the provincial party committee, provincial government and municipal party committee, In accordance with the relevant work requirements of the municipal government and the spirit of the Provincial Department of Education's joint epidemic prevention and control documents, in the first week of the resumption of school, the Moral Education Office of our school organized teachers and students in each class to watch the 2020 "First Lesson of School" special TV program.

A good start is half the battle. An orderly start to the school year lays a solid foundation for future work. In the new semester, we have new goals and are full of new things. Fighting spirit and new hope, the back wavers are facing the scorching sun of September, setting sail at a new starting point, starting a new journey, taking dreams as horses and living up to their time. I believe that with the joint efforts of all teachers and students, Changle Vocational College The future will be better.

Source: Fujian Changle Vocational Technical School

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