The first ppt official website free download:What are the free download websites for ppt templates? Recommended ppt template software-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

What are the free download websites for ppt templates? Recommended ppt template software

Whether you are an office worker or a student party, we have something to do For the needs of PPT presentation slides, it will be much more convenient for everyone if there is a channel where you can download high-quality PPT templates. Today, the editor has summarized three good PPT download channels for you. I believe it can meet your PPT production needs!

The first PPT download channel: Rainbow Office Center

Rainbow Office Center is a professional and efficient office platform. It has various types of PPT templates to make office work more efficient. The method of obtaining it is as follows:

In the first step, after opening the "Rainbow Office Center", select "PPT Template" from the list on the left to enter the PPT Template Center (as shown in the picture).

Second step, here are PPT templates with various themes such as work, study, holidays, etc. You can choose the PPT template you need.

The third step is to click on Free Membership in the upper right corner. On this page, the download tutorial is displayed. We can copy the URL link, click on the right side to copy and then open Baidu Netdisk. Fill in the extraction code displayed on the page to obtain the PPT template.

The fourth step is to open Baidu Netdisk, and the sharing link will pop up. Click to view immediately, paste the extraction code, click to extract the file, check the PPT template folder, and click Just save it.

The second PPT download channel: OfficePLUS on the web.

This is Microsoft's official PPT template website, covering one-stop PPT templates. You only need to search for keywords online to find the corresponding PPT template.

Select the PPT template you need and click the download icon to download it locally on your computer.

The third PPT download channel: WPS.

The software has built-in various types of PPT templates. We can choose free templates to download online. The steps are as follows:

1. Open wps, click New, and click Presentation document.

2. Click the search box, enter keywords, and select the free template Blind Man.

The above are the three PPT download software and websites that the editor has summarized for you. They are all good choices and users can use them according to their needs.

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