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Do you know what a quality control circle is? What are the advantages of a quality control circle?

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Quality Control Circle

The abbreviation of Quality Control Circle (QCC) is a small circle of several people (also called QC group, usually about 6 people) formed automatically and spontaneously by people in the same, similar or complementary workplaces to cooperate and brainstorm. ; Follow certain activity procedures to solve problems and issues that occur at the work site, management, culture, etc.

It is a relatively lively form of quality control.

The purpose is to improve product quality and improve work efficiency.

Development History of Quality Control Circle

1. Quality control thinking

Founder of America

It is a statistical methods course started by Professor Deming in 1950;

And the quality management course taught by Juran in 1954.

2. Origin of quality control circle

Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa of Japan founded the quality control circle activity in 1963. In the same year, he held the first quality control circle presentation conference in Sendai. The quality control circle winter was in full swing among Japanese companies.

3. The development history of quality control circle

Quality Control Circle in Taiwan

In March 1968, a company took the lead in implementing quality control circle activities;

In August 1970, Pioneer Enterprise Management Center held the first Quality Control Circle Achievements Development Conference;

In May 1975, the Quality Control Circle Headquarters was established to fully promote quality control circle activities.

Quality control circle in mainland China

In September 1978, the first quality control circle group, also known as the "Quality Group", was established;

In 1979, the "China Quality Association" held an annual national quality control circle group presentation conference.

The development of quality control circles in hospitals

  • Taiwan hospitals in China introduced quality control circles in the mid-1990s
  • The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine took the lead in introducing quality control circle activities into the national medical system in 2008
  • >
  • The Department of Pharmacy of Xiamen Maternal and Child Health Hospital is the first department in Fujian Province’s medical system to introduce quality control circles

Basic elements of quality control circle

  • Members
  • Names
  • Emblem
  • Meeting
  • Achievements

Basic steps of quality control circle activities

1. Topic selection

2. Formulate activity plan

3. Grasp the current situation

4. Goal setting

5. Analysis

6. Countermeasure formulation

7. Implementation and review of countermeasures

8. Effect confirmation

9. Standardization

10. Review and Improvement

What benefits does quality control circle have for hospitals?

For hospitals, the effective use of quality control circles can not only ensure safety, improve quality, control costs, and improve services, but can also train teams and improve the theoretical level and scientific research capabilities of front-line medical staff.

"Hospitals are the most complex of all organizations." Liu Tingfang, who has worked in the health system for more than 30 years and worked at Tsinghua University for more than 10 years, has a deep understanding that the management of organizations such as schools and factories cannot be compared with the difficulty of hospital management.

Although there are complex blocks and processes in hospital management, quality is always the core, and quality control circles have outstanding advantages in solving hospital service quality.

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