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World of Warcraft Classic Server: Illustrated BWL strategy guide combined with text understanding, you will understand it after playing it a few times

World of Warcraft Classic Server BWL has been coming for some time, Arathi Battlefield will also come soon, and then Zul'Gurub in April. Many friends may not fully grasp BWL at the current point in time. , it may be necessary for the author to compile a nostalgic server guide, but of course it may not be useful. However, after 984G Shifang (the author) finished writing the key points, I accidentally found a simpler icon, and then I felt my face hurt.

BWL process key points

Old 1 should pay attention to humanoid monsters, especially mages, and dragons. If you are not sure, call the hunter quickly. After protecting the healing profession, open the egg line and follow the command; Old 2 actually doesn't have much to say, and the healing profession should be well protected. For the team's health, just pick up the first two rolls; the old 3 is mainly a shock wave, and protecting the T is the main purpose of this level; the old 4 is a bit interesting, grasp the main and deputy T and connect the dragon wings, and the healer is the main pressure bearer , just keep T's health up and maintain the team's rhythm. When the old 4 is finished, the old 5 and 6 behind are almost given points. The old 7 is a bit interesting, the focus is to clear the long-range debuff, just be careful with AOE in melee combat. In fact, there is really nothing to say about Naifa later. It is common to open up wasteland once and for all. If you don't understand, just communicate with the team more or listen to the instructions, combined with the text understanding, you will understand after a few times.

But the moment of slap in the face has come

Just when the author was halfway through sorting it out, a player's BWL picture version of World of Warcraft Classic arrived, and the more he looked at it, the more pale the text became. Here 984G Shifang (the author) suddenly remembered the problem of fighting the little red dragon in the violent battle. In the early stage, he hung out with the thieves, and then sent them to the opposite side in the killing stage. The same was true when fighting the black dragon. Let’s take a formal look at the little red dragon picture guide hand-drawn by a hunter in his guild released by a player named Spectral Claw Kane. Let’s take a look at it first.

Then someone asked about the running position of the 7 dogs. If you use words to describe it, whether it is the main T or the deputy T, long-range or melee, they all have their own positions. In the previous text version, the author also said that everyone should pay attention to it, but what should be paid attention to specifically? You have to fall to the ground in actual combat or listen to commands to understand, but the hunter once again used the 7-dog style.

Want details on the melee position?

When playing Naifa's style, many people in the Ghost Claw Kane player's guild said that as long as the hunter drew Naifa's position, they would eat the keyboard. Half an hour later, their faces started to hurt. In fact, the author can completely I felt their mood, because the author started to worship the little red dragon when I saw it.

Next there is P2.

Write at the end

I have to say that there are really many masters of World of Warcraft Classic Server. If you haven’t been to Blackwing Lair, and if you are still resistant to BWL, you can actually go to the Self-Qiang Team for a tour first, and then go back. If you look at this picture version of the guide, I believe the effect will be more significant. As far as the current BWL difficulty is concerned, all future group versions may remain at such a difficulty level, and the strategies used in version 60 can no longer be fully applied now. For old players, since they have persevered through the difficult times, the current group situation is equivalent to a "lunch box"; for new players, if you start from a novice and do tasks little by little and hone your skills, The current group version is also relatively friendly; if it were a fast food game, wouldn’t the picture above be funny? Okay, after you finish laughing, you can go find the team and start hanging out.

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