Floral English font:When faced with computer grading, what font is good for English exams? Secrets for junior high school students to practice English writing well-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

When faced with computer grading, what font is good for English exams? Secrets for junior high school students to practice English writing well

"Princess Zi" is the nickname given to Xiaojuan in the class by her classmates. She is not tall and her skin is not white, but she is still called princess by her classmates because she practices calligraphy when she has nothing to do. Not only does she practice Chinese characters well, she is also a seven-year-old girl. For first grade students, their English writing is also quite good. Follow the teacher's footsteps closely and practice whatever body type you want to practice.

As the saying goes, words are like faces, and words are like people. Beautiful calligraphy can reflect a person's quality, be the aggregation of his cultivation and talent, and be a kind of happiness he has throughout his life. Now is the era of electronic grading. As a student, good calligraphy is even more important.

I am an English teacher and I attach great importance to students' English writing. Every time I take on a new grade, I will emphasize students' writing over and over again. He will also hold each student's hand to write at the beginning to correct their wrong pen-holding posture and teach them the correct starting and moving of the pen, so that they will have the determination and habit of writing good handwriting at the beginning of the grade.

Some people may say: English writing does not need to be so strict, right? How many words do you need to write on a piece of paper?

There are really not many words to write on the primary school and junior high school English test paper. But a good start is half the battle. When I first started writing in English, I wrote crookedly and fluently. Then when I need to write a lot later, it would be wishful thinking to ask for fluent writing. Once a writing habit is established, it is very difficult to change it. Therefore, good writing habits must be started from an early age.

Some people may also ask: Are there different fonts in English? What font is good for practicing?

Both pictures are written in English by classmate Xiaojuan. She, who loves to practice calligraphy, summed up the characteristics of the two fonts.

English is divided into different fonts, including printed, handwritten, and flowered fonts. Nowadays, Hengshui font (the font of Hengshui Middle School students) is also popular. But all my students are writing in "Yingzi style" (my name is Yingzi, and the handwriting they practice with me is called Yingzi style). Because I have learned Chinese official script, seal script, and regular script, as well as Spanish writing, I have been obsessed with writing for a while and I am relatively confident in writing. When I receive new students, I spend about a month holding their hands and writing one by one, writing one line and copying the five elements. Day by day, they perfected my "Yingzi Ti". Every year there are some students whose handwriting looks exactly like mine. Now whenever I grade papers for mid-term and final exams, there are always colleagues who can recognize the English papers of the students in my class because their fonts are so similar to mine.

But this year the new semester has started, and it is already the second year of junior high school. The first-year students have become more proficient in learning "Yingzi Ti" with me, and I have made a request for them to start practicing "Hengshui Ti". The students are very interested and now have calligraphy classes once a week, but this time I am free and they can just copy the Hengshui body.

When do children start to be required to write English? How can I achieve better writing status?

Sun Yunxiao, an expert at the China Youth Research Center, pointed out: "Habits determine the fate of children."The power of habits is huge. Once a person develops a habit, he will unconsciously run on this track. If It is a good habit that will benefit you throughout your life. When children are young, it is the best time to develop habits. As soon as a child begins to learn English, the requirement to write in English begins.

If you want to have ideal writing, you must do the following three things: 1. Clear objectives. What kind of fonts do I want to practice? It’s best if I have a visible copybook right in front of me. Then copy it over and over again. two. The correct way. First of all, the posture of holding the pen must be correct, and then the sitting posture must be upright. I remember a teacher once told me that if I want to write well, I should squat with my legs under the table in a horse stance. three. Supervise and self-examine at any time. Children, in particular, are less self-conscious and need constant supervision from parents and teachers. I remember that when my son was little, his handwriting would become deformed if he didn’t read for a week.

Some parents said helplessly: My child just hasn't practiced handwriting well. Is there any way to save it?

Of course there is a way. When students practice writing in groups at school, the child did not practice well. If he wants to practice writing again later, he will need to put in a lot of effort. I think the best way is for parents who are slightly better at writing to practice writing with their children's hand every night. It means holding a child’s hand to write. Some parents may say that their handwriting is not good, but it is better than the handwriting written by their children that the teacher cannot understand, right? If both parents are terrible at writing, there is only one way to find a teacher after school and let the teacher teach.

What’s the use of writing well?

1. As the saying goes: "Life starts with writing wisely." Writing Chinese characters well is an essential skill for lifelong learning and development. Cultivating children with standardized writing habits from an early age plays an important role in their growth and future.

2. It can improve children’s learning enthusiasm. If you write well and are praised by teachers and admired by classmates, your enthusiasm for learning will naturally increase.

3. Can improve academic performance. Nowadays, exams are graded by computer. You need to scan the paper and then grade it on the computer. If you write well, you can be favored by the teacher and get a good score.

4. Children can develop good character. When a child becomes more motivated to learn and gets better grades, his character will naturally become cheerful and motivated.

In short, the secret to practicing English writing is: most students should copy consistently. If the handwriting is really bad, the teacher or parent should hold the handwriting and write.

In the process of practicing calligraphy, teachers and parents must ask their children to keep their goals unchanged and practice calligraphy unremittingly. You cannot spend three days fishing and two days drying the nets. There must be a spirit of perseverance. Once the child has achieved results in calligraphy practice, praise him in time, so that the child can understand the value of diligence and experience the joy of hard work and harvest.

Starting with one stroke at a time, studying between the lines, and developing smooth and beautiful calligraphy can benefit your children for life.

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