Tianzi grid template:Ten minutes a day to write beautifully! There are so many square and round grids that are easier to use than the field grid, so practical-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Ten minutes a day to write beautifully! There are so many square and round grids that are easier to use than the field grid, so practical

I believe you, as a parent, have also gotten angry like this:

Write a few words Write for an hour! Dilly dawdling! Is it so difficult? ?

Why can words be written So ugly? It's like a ghost-drawing talisman. Is it so difficult to write horizontally and vertically in a field? Some schools even have test scores, so the test scores for such an ugly test must be low!

If you have this too The troubles we will introduce today areWords Into Square---10 minutes of online class + offline calligraphy practice stickers every day, You must be worth knowing.

Why Is it actually difficult for children to practice calligraphy in Tian Zi Ge?

Square Circle Why is grid so magical?

If you had practiced it when you were a child Calligraphy, you must know that in calligraphy competitions, a kind of paper called Wadang paper is often used. The layout is similar to the paper we use to write Spring Festival couplets now. Its characteristics are: Each word is laid out with a circle.

So when I was a kid, my The calligraphy teacher always asked us to arrange each stroke according to the circle when practicing calligraphy.

Back to Tian Practice calligraphy with the grid. My own child's handwriting is very ugly. In the past few years, practicing calligraphy in Tian Zi Ge has left a boring and disgusting feeling, and it is really difficult for her to write well.

I calmly summarized Why.

Because of the field pattern Children need to figure it out by themselves while imitating. The starting point is a little to the left in the upper left corner, the ending point is a little to the right in the lower left corner, and so on. It has no clear formula. Usually I will say: "Move this piece a little to the left and a little further to make it look better."

So how much does it count? "A little bit"?

The words are in a square circle This original set of square and round grids allows writing to return to the circle, which can indeed make calligraphy practice twice the result with half the effort. The circle is the golden section of Chinese characters. The square and round grid is: a circle, 8 points, and a horizontal waistline in the middle .

The circle is a gauge, The square is the moment; the vertical is the standard, and the horizontal is the accuracy. Chinese characters have rules and standards, that is, the characters are in a square shape.

See for kids The comparison between the characters copied from the Tian character grid and the characters copied from the square and round grid is clear at a glance:

What I’m sharing today isThe complete explanation of primary school Chinese characters is super practical "The characters have a square and a circle" 》Divided into upper and lower sides, each video has two words, and the square and round character format is particularly suitable Children who are just starting to learn calligraphy.

In the video course , will teach children where to refine the starting and ending of each stroke, such as the simplest "one": from 7 in the square circle to 3 in the square circle, along the slightly inclined horizontal waist line, which is the most perfect.

Every word will It is decomposed in this way, and the words selected are all from the core words required by the Chinese textbooks compiled by the primary school.

In addition to location, video It also teaches children how to: start writing, move the writing, put the writing down, and take the lead. The child "Lingxi" in the video is in constant trouble like all the children. Look at the mistakes he makes and you can avoid them yourself.

After watching the video course After that, I practiced writing the words mentioned in the video on the copybook every day. The whole process takes no more than 15 minutes, and the children are really interested in watching and learning every day.

150 video lessons in total

Comes with universal square and round copybooks

You can download it directly~

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