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Basics of brush calligraphy: introductory tutorial

Brush calligraphy is an important art form in traditional Chinese culture. It can not only express the meaning of words, but also show the beauty and charm of art. In the introductory basic tutorial, we need to start by stimulating interest and gradually

Basics of getting started with brushes

Stimulate interest

Requirements for holding method and writing posture (demonstration): five-finger holding method (pressing, pressing, hooking, pushing, and pushing), head upright, body upright, and feet equal

Practice writing methods and writing posture (corrective guidance)

Explain how to write the character "一" (blackboard demonstration)

Key points: Center forward moves the pen, counterattacks the pen, moves the pen, and returns to the front to close the pen.

Drawing pen lines

Horizontal method:

Notes on practicing writing the word "一": (essentials such as starting the pen against the front, pressing, rowing, lifting the pen, pausing, returning to the front and closing the pen, etc.) Step-by-step guidance.

Basics of Calligraphy (II)

Summarize the problems that arise in the word "write one", what should be paid attention to, and highlight the essentials (explain using student homework as an example)

Practice writing the character "一" (teacher's tour guidance)

Show the model word "three", explain and demonstrate.

The character "三" has three horizontal lengths, short lengths, and a frame structure. (Blackboard demonstration)

Basics of calligraphy (3)

Review the homework, review writing the word "three", and point out the advantages and disadvantages.

Students practice and correct their shortcomings.

Learn to write "hanging needle vertically" and master the essentials.

Vertical method: (Hanging needle vertically

Essentials of hanging needle vertically: start the pen with a hidden edge, stroke down to the right and then turn straight down. Slowly lift the pen and put it away so that the strokes are in the shape of a "needle".

Write the word "ten" and demonstrate on the blackboard.

Basics of calligraphy (4)

Comment on the homework, review the key points of writing the character "十", especially the penmanship of "hanging needle vertically", and point out the advantages and disadvantages in the homework.

Students practice and correct the shortcomings in their homework.

Learn to write "chuiluzhu", master the essentials, and write the word "tu". (Pay attention to the frame structure)

(Drooping dew vertical)

The essentials of hanging the pen vertically are as follows: start the pen with a hidden edge, pause the pen to the right and then turn it straight down, then close the pen and return to the front and lift it up.

Basics of calligraphy (5)

Review the key points of writing the word "土", especially the writing method of "氯LU vertical", and point out the advantages and disadvantages of students' homework.

Students practice accordingly according to their own circumstances.

Learn to write "short strokes", master the essentials, and write the word "千".

Essentials of short writing: start the pen with a hidden edge, pause to the right, then turn to the lower left and write out (slightly flat).


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Basics of calligraphy (6)

Review and write the word "千", paying attention to the "short stroke".

Students practice and correct their shortcomings.

Learn to write "point", master the essentials, and write the word "main".

The essentials of "pointing": start the pen with a hidden edge, pause the pen to the lower right, and return to the edge in time to close the pen.

Pointing method: (melon seed point)

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