Monthly work summary:Summary of Linxia Prefecture’s 2023 “Safety Production Month” activities-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Summary of Linxia Prefecture’s 2023 “Safety Production Month” activities

June this year is the 22nd "Safety Production Month" in our country. According to the "2023 Gansu Province" issued by the Provincial Safety Committee Office and the Provincial Emergency Management Department According to the requirements of the "Safety Production Month" Activity Plan, the Linxia Prefectural Party Committee and the State Government attach great importance to it, and arrange and deploy the State Safety Committee Office and the State Emergency Bureau to formulate and issue a work plan, refine the work tasks, implement work responsibilities, and solidly promote the various activities of the "Safety Production Month" item of work. The summary report on the implementation of the "Safety Production Month" activities in our state in 2023 is now as follows.

1. Arrange deployment Situation

According to the arrangements of the state committee and state government According to the deployment, the State Safety Committee Office and the State Emergency Bureau strictly implemented the "Safety Production Month" work responsibilities, and closely focused on the theme of "Everyone pays attention to safety and everyone knows emergency response", formulated and issued the "Linxia Prefecture 2023 "Safety Production Month" activity Plan" "Linxia Prefecture Safety Production Committee Office's Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the 2023 "Safety Production Month" and Emergency Drill "Exhibition and Competition" Activities" and "Linxia Prefecture Emergency Management Bureau's 2023 "Safety Production Month" Key Work Division" Linxia Prefecture Emergency Management Bureau's 2023 "Safety Production Month" Publicity and Consultation Day Activity Task Division", through event notifications and task division, make specific arrangements and deployments for the "Safety Production Month" work in all counties, cities, industries, and departments across the state , clarify the key points of the work of each county, city and unit, as well as the main tasks, leaders and responsible departments of the State Safety Committee Office and State Emergency Bureau, to ensure that there are people to manage, grasp and handle all tasks, and to achieve clear division of tasks and clear responsibilities. Implement it to people.

2. Activities carried out Situation

First, organize and carry out "Safety Production Month" launch activity. In early June, the State Security Committee Office organized various counties and cities to pass launching ceremonies, video mobilization meetings, etc. We will mobilize and deploy the "Safety Production Month" launch activities in the form of promotion of departmental linkage, government-enterprise linkage, and media linkage, conduct theme publicity and launch of the "Safety Production Month" activities, and fully launch the "Safety Production Month" activities. Counties and cities cycle through outdoor LED screens in central squares, large business districts, stations, etc., as well as on-board LED screens in buses, taxis, etc. to broadcast safety popularization videos, safety tips, public service advertisements and other promotional content. (Street) and village groups hung promotional slogans to expand the influence and coverage of the event and create a strong atmosphere for the event.

The second is to organize and carry out Learn educational activities. During the "Safety Production Month", combine the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Thematic education focuses on party and government leading cadres, principals of emergency management departments, principals of departments responsible for safety production supervision, and principal principals of enterprises, through special learning by theoretical learning center groups, special training for cadres, and special online classes. In-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on production safety. We must achieve "two maintenances" with practical actions and actual results, and continue to promote General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on production safety to be incorporated into our minds and hearts, be implemented and implemented, and be transformed into conscious actions to implement production safety responsibilities.

The third is to carry out safety Propaganda and implementation activities for the “Five Major Systems” of production. Closely focus on the theme of "Safety Production Month" activities, in-depth publicity and implementation of the "Five Major Systems", Continue to strengthen the publicity of the construction significance, construction tasks, and construction progress of the "five major systems" of production safety in an all-round, three-dimensional, and multi-dimensional manner, and turn the construction significance into slogans, construction task items, and construction progress into experiences through a combination of internal and external publicity. , combine online and offline, and combine two-dimensional and three-dimensional methods to create a good atmosphere for the construction of the "five major systems" of safety production. Establish a dynamic work supervision mechanism of "irregular and time-based", implement the "dynamic supervision + follow-up supervision" model, timely update and supplement the key work task ledger, and publicize the progress and completion of key work tasks on a monthly basis. Dynamically supervise the key tasks of the construction of the "Five Major Systems". For work tasks that cannot be completed as scheduled, timely issue supervision notices to supervise and promote implementation to ensure that tasks are not failed and all tasks form a "closed loop" to effectively promote corporate managers and practitioners. Strengthen safety responsibilities and improve safety awareness.

The fourth is to organize and carry out Promote consultation day events. On June 12, the State Safety Committee Office and the State Emergency Bureau jointly organized the Kangle County Safety Committee Office , the Emergency Bureau grandly held Linxia Prefecture's 2023 "Safety Production Month" Publicity and Consultation Day event at the People's Stage of Rouge Lake Park, Kangle County. More than 2,000 people including state and county leaders in charge, members of the Safety Committee, heads of some enterprises, surrounding people, and media reporters participated in the event. At the same time, other counties across the state organized security committee member units, relevant enterprises, and the general public to carry out publicity and consultation day activities in squares, towns (streets), and rural areas under their respective jurisdictions. During the Publicity and Consultation Day activities, counties, cities, and departments widely publicized production safety laws and regulations, needle prevention policies, and vigorously popularized traffic safety by hanging banners, displaying wall charts, distributing promotional materials, and setting up on-site consultation desks. , fire safety, campus safety, electricity safety, telecommunications fraud and other aspects of knowledge and emergency avoidance common sense, and patiently answer the public’s questions. Counties and cities across the state organized nearly 15,000 participants, hung banners and placed more than 1,500 display boards (blocks), and distributed more than 80,000 promotional materials and promotional gifts, creating a strong atmosphere for the event and promoting the consultation day. The activity achieved good results.

The fifth is to organize and carry out Safety publicity "Five Advances" activities. All counties, cities, industries and departments across the state have implemented the "Linxia Prefecture 2023" Safety The work priorities and task measures are clearly defined in the "Production Month" activity work plan, smooth publicity channels, adopt a combination of online and offline methods, and vigorously carry out safety knowledge publicity into schools, communities, rural areas, families, and crowded places. , conduct face-to-face publicity and exchanges with school students, company employees, and the general public, resolve doubts, and popularize emergency and risk-avoidance skills. At the same time, relying on new media platforms such as newspapers, TV stations, WeChat, Toutiao, and Douyin, we produced safety promotional videos with easy-to-understand content and diverse expressions, which were broadcast on prefecture and county (city) TV stations in turn to promote safety knowledge in an all-round and multi-level manner. and emergency avoidance skills to effectively enhance public safety awareness.

The sixth is to organize and carry out emergency drill "exhibition and competition evaluation" activities. The Linxia Prefecture Safety Committee and the Disaster Reduction Committee organized and carried out the "Exhibition and Competition Evaluation" activity of the state-wide comprehensive drill. From June 12 to June 15, they used 4 days to organize and carry out emergency drills in 8 counties (cities) across the state. "Exhibition Competition Review". This activity tested the emergency plan system from point to point, checked for shortcomings, and found loopholes. Based on the presets of disaster accidents, special emergency command organizations at all levels were activated. All relevant departments carried out rescue and disaster relief operations according to the division of responsibilities and under the unified command of the headquarters. It comprehensively tested the four-level unified command, combined expertise, and The emergency command system that links up and down and combines peacetime and wartime operations has achieved results. In this activity, each county and city not only mobilized comprehensive fire rescue teams, but also professional teams such as communication and power, medical and health, engineering rescue, militia emergency teams, and social emergency forces also participated. During the exercise, a comprehensive fire rescue team was formed. The team is composed of the main force, the military emergency force as the assault, the professional rescue team as the backbone, and the social emergency force as the auxiliary. It has attracted a total of 105 teams, 206 pieces of equipment, and an audience of more than 100,000 people. With more than 10,000 people, the knowledge of disaster prevention and reduction has entered the eyes and hearts of the masses in the most intuitive way, creating a strong atmosphere of "everyone pays attention to safety and knows how to respond to emergencies", and the effect of knowledge publicity and popularization is obvious.

Seventh, organize and carry out inspection activities for potential safety hazards. All counties, cities, industries, and departments across the state adhere to the concept of "people first, life first", focus on key areas, key units, and key groups, and organize professional teams to provide services to urban and rural communities, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, welfare homes, and construction sites. , tourist attractions, catering industries and other crowded places and lifeline engineering facilities such as roads, communications, water supply, power supply, gas supply, flood drainage, gas and other lifeline engineering facilities have carried out risk hazard investigation and rectification actions, and will effectively manage and control risk sources and investigate disaster risk hazards Governance, as an important part of improving social governance capabilities and improving people's well-being, must be grasped and implemented. Since 2023, the State Safety Committee Office has adopted various forms of supervision and inspection methods such as daily inspections, hiring expert consultation and inspections, Internet + supervision and inspections, "double random, one public" law enforcement inspections, etc., and has carried out multiple rounds of dragnet-style, full-scale inspections. Cover safety inspections, comprehensively identify safety risks, implement ledger-based, list-based closed-loop management, and promptly rectify hidden problems.

The eighth is to carry out an online knowledge competition with the theme "Everyone pays attention to safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies". During the "Safety Production Month", the National Emergency Department organized the "Everyone Speaks of Safety" Linxia Prefectural Party Committee and State Government leaders attached great importance to the "Emergency Emergency" online knowledge competition. They arranged for the State Security Committee Office to issue work plans and notices, established a WeChat work group, and organized and mobilized the entire prefecture through statistical reminders, notifications, and supervision. All counties, cities, industries and departments actively participated in the competition. By the end of the competition, Linxia Prefecture had more than 60,000 participants and scored more than 8.7 million answer points. Both the number of participants and answer points reached record highs. Through the "Everyone Pays Attention to Safety and Everyone Knows Emergency" online knowledge competition, we mobilize the cadres of administrative agencies, public institutions, enterprise employees, and the general public across the state to learn and apply it, and continue to carry out a series of powerful, bright, distinctive, and effective series Safety production publicity and education activities can effectively enhance the strong willingness and ability to find and solve problems, and further enhance the safety awareness and escape ability of the whole society.

3. Next step Work plan

"Safety Production Month" publicity activity Although it has ended, the safety publicity work cannot stop. Continuing to carry out safety publicity and education and continuously improving the safety awareness of the whole people have an important role and significance in ensuring the safety and stability of social production and life. Linxia Prefecture will continue to make unremitting efforts to summarize good experiences and practices, vigorously carry out national safety publicity and education, and continuously improve the national safety awareness and emergency avoidance capabilities. The first is to maintain a publicity atmosphere. Taking the "119" Fire Fighting Day and Constitution Publicity Week as an opportunity, we will seize the key points, highlight the grassroots level, use WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, TV and other media platforms to innovate publicity methods, and continue to carry out safe production and Publicity and education on disaster prevention, reduction, relief, emergency and hazard avoidance, etc., always create an atmosphere of "life first, safety first", and strive to enhance the public's awareness of safety and disaster prevention. The second is to carry out safety hazard investigation. Firmly establish the concept of "hidden dangers are accidents", focus on key industries such as housing and construction, transportation, fire protection, tourism, and catering, grasp the key points of work, organize professional teams, and continue to carry out safety production and disaster risk hidden danger investigation and management, so as to achieve comprehensive hidden danger investigation. Cover and clear the bottom line, keep an eye on the hidden dangers discovered, and investigate them to the end, forming a closed loop of registration, rectification, and acceptance. The third is to continue to improve emergency plans. Based on the emergency drills of counties and cities across the state during the "Safety Production Month", we identified problems and deficiencies, summarized the results and experiences, and modified and improved various emergency plans one by one to further improve the practicality, scientificity and operability of the emergency plans.

Feed: State Emergency Bureau Law Section

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