Report of the Two Sessions:(Two Sessions Express) Work Report of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress: Unswervingly promote the great cause of the reunification of the motherland-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

(Two Sessions Express) Work Report of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress: Unswervingly promote the great cause of the reunification of the motherland

China News Service, Beijing, March 7. The work report of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, submitted for review at the first session of the 14th National People's Congress on the 7th, stated in the work recommendations for the next year that the implementation of the Constitution and legislation should be done well. We must adhere to the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus" and unswervingly promote the great cause of the reunification of the motherland.

The report said that the Chairman's Meeting of the 13th National People's Congress Standing Committee adopted in principle the main work points of the Standing Committee and the legislative, supervision, and representative work plans for 2023, and made preliminary arrangements for the work in the next year.

The report lists five aspects of work: Do a good job in implementing the Constitution and legislating. Strengthen the effectiveness of National People's Congress supervision. Improve the performance of representatives. Do a good job in the NPC’s external relations. Strengthen the construction of the Standing Committee itself.

In terms of doing a good job in the implementation and legislative work of the Constitution, the report said that we should promote the institutionalization and standardization of constitutionality review, improve and strengthen the filing review system, and maintain the constitutional order of the Special Administrative Region as determined by the Constitution and the Basic Law. We must adhere to the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus" and unswervingly promote the great cause of the reunification of the motherland. Give full play to the leading role of the National People's Congress in legislative work, study and prepare the legislative plan of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee, and coordinate the legislative work in the next five years. We will improve the legal system for the socialist market economy and promote the construction of a high-level socialist market economic system. Accelerate the advancement of legislation in the fields of science and technology, people's livelihood, society, culture, and environmental protection. Coordinate development and security and provide legal guarantee for promoting the modernization of national security systems and capabilities.

In terms of enhancing the effectiveness of National People's Congress supervision, the report pointed out that supervision work methods and methods should be improved to ensure correct supervision, effective supervision and supervision in accordance with the law. Focus on the goals and tasks set by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, focus on the thoughts and hopes of the people, carry out supervision, and ensure that state agencies carry out their work in a coordinated manner. Focusing on promoting high-quality development, we listened and reviewed relevant work reports. Supervise major matters approved by the general meeting. Strengthen the review and supervision of budgets and final accounts. Strengthen supervision of state-owned assets management. Strengthen supervision of law enforcement, supervision, and judicial work.

The report also stated that the National People's Congress should do a good job in external exchanges. We will fully cooperate with the diplomatic layout of the party and the country and complete the foreign affairs tasks assigned by the Central Committee to the National People’s Congress. Strengthen multi-level, multi-form and multi-field exchanges between the National People's Congress and foreign parliaments, and consolidate the public opinion foundation and legal guarantee of bilateral relations. Actively participate in multilateral parliamentary activities to showcase China's image and promote China's propositions. Give full play to the role of the spokesperson mechanism of the National People's Congress at all levels, and have the courage to speak out and fight on issues involving the country's core interests and major principles. (over)

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