Calligraphy font conversion:Is it necessary to practice regular script before practicing calligraphy? Is it possible to not use paper copybooks? How to practice calligraphy to make rapid progress?-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Is it necessary to practice regular script before practicing calligraphy? Is it possible to not use paper copybooks? How to practice calligraphy to make rapid progress?

Many friends now want to use their free time to practice calligraphy. Improve the ugly words, secondly, to improve your personal image, and thirdly, as a hobby.

Do I have to practice regular script first to practice calligraphy? Do you have to use paper copybooks? Why don’t you make progress if you don’t practice? Let’s talk about it in detail next.

The first thing to explain is that you need to have a correct mentality when practicing calligraphy. You cannot practice calligraphy just to become a calligrapher, because it is too unrealistic. Most of us ordinary people do not practice calligraphy for the purpose of practicing calligraphy. This is what I said at the beginning of the article: first, improve my ugly handwriting, second, improve my image so that my handwriting can show off my appearance, and third, treat it as a hobby. Also, when practicing calligraphy, you can use an ordinary gel pen, an ordinary calligraphy book or paper, whatever you usually use to practice calligraphy.

1. Don’t think you have to practice regular script first.

Be benevolent and wise, some people believe that regular script must be practiced first, because regular script is the foundation, the basic skill, and the only way to "learn to walk before you can learn to run." However, some people believe that calligraphy fonts are related but relatively independent. It doesn't matter which font you learn first or which calligraphy style you practice first.

Don't think that if you don't practice regular script and directly practice regular script, running script, running cursive, and cursive script, will it be less solid, solid, and stable? No, on the contrary, if you practice regular script too much, you will lose the innovative consciousness and imaginative thinking vitality to some extent in regular script and cursive script.

According to your actual needs, if you need to practice regular script first, then practice regular script first; if you need to practice Xing Kai script first, then practice Xing Kai script first. It's that simple.

Normally, when writing, I mainly write connected characters in regular script, so you can practice regular script and the like first, and then it will be easier to practice.

Xingkai Xingshu is popular among people. It can be written quickly and is easy to recognize. It is often used in daily life. It looks lively, natural and rhythmic. You can practice Xingkai's strokes, radicals, frame structure, composition layout and unique techniques.

If you want to directly practice fast writing of "Xingkai Lianbi", you can refer to the complete video tutorial "Xingkai Running Script Complete Video Collection", click on the column below to view illustrations, lectures, Demonstration and word examples:

For those who want to practice regular script first, start with the basic strokes of regular script. You can practice the writing methods and word examples of the 31 strokes of regular script. Please refer to the complete video tutorial "31 Regular Script with Hard Pen" "Video Tutorial on Stroke Writing", click on the column on the homepage to view it.

2. It is more convenient and practical to practice calligraphy with gel pen.

Everyone must be very clear about this issue. Now society can be said to have abandoned the era of fountain pens, and has developed into more convenient and practical gel pens.

You may say that fountain pens continue to be manufactured, not only fountain pens, but also writing brushes. This cannot be generalized. No matter how popular gel pens are, they cannot completely replace fountain pens or other pens. After all, writing instruments are an art and have their own applicable space, just like no matter how advanced the automobile is, there are still bicycles. This is because people have different needs. Some people need to practice calligraphy with a pen, and some need to use a brush to write.

However, for practical purposes, you should still practice gel pen calligraphy, because after practicing it, you can immediately use it in daily life. If you think about it, you will know that when you usually write, sign, fill in... Should I use a gel pen or a fountain pen for forms, notes, exams, etc.?

3. Change the concept of having to use paper copybooks.

Many people always make decisions about the present based on past thinking. When practicing calligraphy, I always think of buying a paper copybook first, and then practicing according to the paper copybook. Without a paper copybook, it seems like you can't practice calligraphy. This concept needs to change. Now is the era of short videos and mobile phones. Paper materials are good, but they have been replaced by videos that are more convenient, more intuitive, and more dynamic.

Paper copybooks contain too limited knowledge, and some calligraphy practices cannot be presented using paper copybooks, such as dynamic presentations and demonstrations, which require video Let you understand and learn as soon as possible. Moreover, when watching videos, you can play them back repeatedly, and through the mobile client, you can carry them with you and watch them at any time, which is incomparable to paper copybooks. You can't always bring paper copybooks with you when you go out.

So, instead of using paper copybooks, you have to look for those video courses that have detailed illustrations and text. In other words, look at the illustrations, diagrams, word examples, and correct and incorrect comparisons in the videos. Wait, it is equivalent to reading a copybook, and it is more intuitive than a paper copybook. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a video tutorial with this kind of visual image. For this reason, Soulfly Calligraphy has created multiple such calligraphy tutorials. It contains illustrations, annotations, and written content. It is not just a mere explanation, allowing viewers to obtain richer information and fully master calligraphy knowledge and skills. Therefore, you don’t have to use paper copybooks to practice calligraphy. You can still practice calligraphy well without paper copybooks.

In the homepage of Xinfei Calligraphy, click on the "column" to view multiple calligraphy tutorials, including regular script, running script, running script and cursive, etc., and focus on explanations and demonstrations of methods, summarizing practice The rules of Chinese calligraphy are given by giving a comparison of right and wrong, changing the thinking of traditional calligraphy teaching, creating a new approach, interpreting the rules of Chinese calligraphy in a simple and profound way, and creatively summarizing the theory and principles of calligraphy, achieving the effect of "teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish".

4. You can’t just practice strokes without practicing structure.

Many people think that the structure of characters is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter whether the structure is good or bad, as long as the strokes are good. Under the guidance of this concept, they naturally ignore the method of structure. Then In other words, the lines drawn by the pen can be swayed freely, no matter what the structure is, as long as the writing is chic and unrestrained. Just imagine, driven by this idea, it would be strange not to write ugly fonts.

Correct calligraphy requires attention to both strokes and structure. Strokes and structure are inseparable and complement each other. We cannot talk about strokes without considering structure, nor can we talk about structure without talking about strokes. They are inseparable, otherwise we will lose sight of the original artistic nature of Chinese characters.

We should pay attention to the training of structure, and practice according to the traditional structure, which only stays at the level of division such as "left and right, up and down, left center and right, upper middle and lower, surround". Structural exercises are also possible, but they do not find the essence of the structure combination rules of Chinese characters. The correct structural exercises are: summarizing the relationship between the strokes and knots of Chinese characters, and performing the "main stroke" under the interaction of "main strokes" and "secondary strokes" Only then can you quickly master the structural method of characters that are full of spirit and energy." "Main strokes" are the main strokes. Only when the main strokes of a character are written can the essence of the entire character be expressed.

Note that the relationship between the main stroke and the secondary stroke is actually a structural relationship. Don’t think that the strokes mentioned here are just summarized in the category of strokes. Strokes serve the structure, and vice versa. , the structure is to support the strokes, and nothing will work without anyone. The main and secondary brushes must always be shaping the structure. Because of this, practicing the main strokes and secondary strokes is to build a structure between practices.

To this end, Xinxinfei Calligraphy has created a unique structural principle of "mainly releasing and then closing, tightening inside and loosening outside", which is easy to understand, simple and effective, and reveals the structural rules of Chinese characters. , for detailed illustrations, lectures, demonstrations, and word examples, you can refer to the complete video tutorial "Core skills in calligraphy practice, how to find the main writer of calligraphy, and there are 30 rules in the secret book". Click on the column below to view:

5. What you practice is writing, but you also need to practice "reason".

It’s not enough to practice calligraphy expecting to practice hard. If you practice hard without proper rules, it will be thankless. How to practice? It can only be: practicing words and principles at the same time. We must focus on practicing "calligraphy theory". Only by thoroughly understanding the principles of calligraphy can we achieve a theoretical level, and then guide the writing of calligraphy. This is the most effective and time-saving method. Chinese characters are as vast as the sea, and you can’t practice them one by one. Besides, practicing one by one may lead to forgetting each one. Because you don’t master the rules, you only practice the appearance, not the essence. In the end, there is no big gain, just practice. It may be a waste of time and energy.

So, if you want to find a way to find the secret to practicing calligraphy, you can find it yourself or watch effective calligraphy tutorials. In short, you have to find the trick. Pay attention to what is an effective calligraphy training tutorial. You may say that there are so many calligraphy training tutorials now that it is not very simple to find one. In fact, it is not the case. If you pay attention, you will find that many calligraphy training tutorials are just writing, not I’ll tell you the essential thing, or it won’t make sense at all. There are many teachers who teach calligraphy, including many calligraphers, who can write very well, but they just can’t learn anything after practicing, and they won’t make progress if they don’t practice. Once you don't practice for a long time, it is easy to forget and return to the previous state. This is the reason why you have not really mastered the rules.

Needless to say, Heart Flying Calligraphy aims to explore those effective, practical and easy-to-master calligraphy methods. The purpose is to tell you the secrets, so that you can master the calligraphy theory and learn the methods. Learn to "fish" instead of "fish".

There are multiple calligraphy tutorials in the column on the homepage, including pictures, texts, and videos. If you take a look and learn about it, you will find that these tutorials of Soulfly Calligraphy are very different from other people's courses. The same, in other words, it is different from other people’s course ideas, models, and content. It is very novel, unique, and full of creative thinking.

6. In a short period of time, focus on practicing radicals.

You may hear more words like "strokes, structure, and composition", which are the three major components of calligraphy practice. Especially in the eyes of calligraphers, strokes are the first and core. Without brushwork, there would be no calligraphy. This is correct, but not completely correct. In fact, these three major items are all equally important. There is no one who is more important and who is not important. Neither one of them will be enough.

However, in the actual process of practicing calligraphy, you will find that it is often the "radicals" that require more practice. The reason couldn't be simpler. Radicals can actually be regarded as "characters". Radicals are composed of strokes and structures. Once you practice the radicals, half of the characters will be practiced. If you don't practice the radicals enough , if the practice is not done properly, it will inevitably affect other aspects of practice.

Especially if you want to improve your writing skills in a short period of time, no need to ask, you should practice more radicals. It is recommended that in order to save time, you can choose those commonly used and difficult to write radicals. Practice concentratedly, find out the key points of each radical, master the rules, and learn the methods, so that your calligraphy skills can be greatly improved in a short period of time.

Heartfly Calligraphy has found 50 commonly used and difficult-to-write radicals. Through clear illustrations, annotations, lectures, demonstrations, and word examples, you can fully master the knowledge and skills of radicals. , you can click on the column on the homepage to view the complete video tutorial "Video Tutorial on Radicals in Hard Pen Regular Script". If you have any questions during the calligraphy practice, you can consult and communicate.

7. Practice calligraphy for about an hour every day.

For this question, it depends on the individual's work situation. Most people are busy at work, have a lot of housework, and have little free time. They always feel that they cannot practice calligraphy. In fact, even if they have free time every day If you have a lot of time, you may not be able to practice calligraphy well, because it takes time to practice calligraphy. The time mentioned here has a long-term meaning, that is to say, to form a skill, it must be accumulated over time. As long as you persist, you can Practice. One hour a day is enough (if you want to be a calligrapher, it's a different matter). You will always have this hour every day, it depends on whether you are willing to practice.

The current video tutorials are only five or six minutes each. It takes more than ten minutes. You only need to study five or six videos a day. You will not be able to learn more than one. If you have a good foundation, you can Read a few more, and measure it yourself based on your understanding ability and how much you can write. Use fragmented time every day, so that over time, it will come naturally. Don't worry if you don't get results at the beginning. Everything is difficult at the beginning, just don't forget to practice.

The other thing is, after you practice, understand, and learn the skills, you can quickly use them in your daily writing and apply what you have learned. You cannot practice or practice, but you must write consciously. Use it, use it, use it. You have to use it even if you don't use it well. Just use it, otherwise your practice will be in vain.

What should I do if I want to study several courses? Should you practice one first and then practice the other, or should you practice at the same time every day? It depends on which course you need urgently. Practice what you need first. For example, if you often attend meetings and learn to take notes, then practice "Ring Kai Lian Bi" first. If you are a Chinese teacher, practice hard pen regular script first and write the words. It must be standardized and correct. If you want to create calligraphy works, you can practice running cursive fonts first, because calligraphy works use cursive fonts more.

If you need them all, or if there is no special need, then read all the courses you bought every day, watch several videos for each course, and learn something every day. Over time, each All three fonts are now practiced. The advantage of practicing at the same time is that they can be compared with each other and complement each other, because all arts have something in common. Of course, there is also a disadvantage: they interact with each other and are easily confused. Therefore, please choose how to practice based on your actual situation.

The above is my personal opinion. You are welcome to share your views in the comment area.

For more pictures, texts, videos, and columns about calligraphy, you can follow Xinfei Calligraphy and view the content you need on the homepage.

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