Download official fonts for party and government agencies:Lao Tian Gang’s Official Documents—Chapter 2 Font Size-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Lao Tian Gang’s Official Documents—Chapter 2 Font Size

Introduction : In the format of official documents of the government, the prescribed fonts generally include these five types: small standard Song style, bold style, regular script, imitation Song style, and Song style; the font sizes include No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, which can be used in different situations. Lao Tianlai will summarize the usage with his friends.

1. Xiaobiao Songti

Applies to:

(1) Logo of the issuing authority. Red; the font size is mainly full and beautiful, with no fixed requirements.

(2) Title. Two size fonts.

Most of the units I see use "Founder Small Standard Song Simplified Chinese". Founder is a company with many fonts. Interested friends can search for them by themselves.

This font is not included in either Windows system or Office software. You need to Download it yourself.

It should be noted that: Subscript Song style ≠ Song style.

Some friends have a habit or unit stipulation that the title should be bolded in Song font size 2. In Lao Tian's opinion, this is wrong. As shown in the picture:

Comparison shows: There is a huge gap between Xiaobiao Songti and Songti.

1. The subscript Song font, even if it is not bold, is more visible than the Song font bold much thicker;

" It's a 2x difference.

2. Boldface

Apply At:

(1) First-level title. 3rd size font

(二) confidentiality level and confidentiality period. Size 3 font.

(三)emergency level. Size 3 font.

(four ) "Attachment" and the attachment serial number. Black; size 3 font. It should be noted that this is not the attachment description after the end of the main text (which should be written in imitation of Song Dynasty), but the specific attachments bound together with the main text.

(五) minutes format, attendance, leave, attendance and colon. Size 3 font.

3. Regular script

Apply At:

(1) Name of the issuer. Size 3 font. Note: The words "Issued by" should be printed in No. 3 imitation Song font.

(二) secondary title. Size 3 font.

It should be noted that: Previously, the main text before the text You need to use No. 3 regular script when sending it to the agency. Now, they are all written in faux Song style, just like the main text.

4. Imitation Song Dynasty

Apply At:

(1) Copy number. Size 3 font.

(2) Issuer. Size 3 font.

(3) Text. Size 3 font.

(4) Third-level and fourth-level titles. Size 3 font. No bold, no bold, no bold.

(5) Issuing text number, main sending authority, description of attachments, and other unspecified fonts.

In addition to the above use of No. 3 imitation Song Dynasty, it needs to be emphasized that:

(6) Edition mark (including copying agency, issuing agency and issuing date). Size 4.

5. Song Dynasty

Only Applies to:

Page number. Four, half-width Arabic numerals.

6. About GB2312, GBK and GB18030 character encoding

GB2312, GBK and GB18030 are character encoding names.

To put it simply, the State Administration of Standards of China issued the "Chinese Character Coding for Information Exchange" in 1980 Character Set" (GB2312), which contains 7,445 Chinese characters and symbols; in 1995, the "Chinese Character Coding Extension Specification" (GBK) was released, which included a total of 21,886 Chinese characters and graphic symbols; in 2000, the "Chinese Character Coding for Information Technology Information Exchange" was released "Expansion of the Basic Character Set" (GB18030), which contains about 28,000 characters and Chinese characters.

Before Windows XP, the system came with "Imitation Song GB2312" and "Kaili GB2312", but Since these two font libraries have fewer Chinese characters and cannot meet the needs, Windows 7 and later will be changed to a large font library, corresponding to "Fake Song" and "Kaili".

Take "Imitation Song Dynasty" and "Imitation Song Dynasty GB2312" as examples. The printed manuscripts are roughly the same. There is not much difference to the naked eye, but:

(1) Different number of Chinese characters

"Imitation Song Dynasty" contains more Chinese characters than "Imitation Song Dynasty GB2312" .

(2) Rare words are displayed differently

Using the "Fake Song" font can display many uncommon characters, such as Ben, Ben, and Yi , 鉉, rough, etc. "Imitation Song Dynasty GB2312" can only be displayed in other fonts such as Song Dynasty and Heilongjiang.

(3) Different fonts

"Imitation Song" font appeared later, and the font shape has been optimized, which is better than "Imitation Song" font GB2312" fonts are slimmer and clearer, especially in punctuation marks, letters and numbers, "Imitation Song" fonts are slimmer and clearer.

(4) Text displays differently when zoomed to 60% and 70%

When the text is scaled 60% and 70%, there is a significant difference in the font display (as shown above); scaling below 50% When it is above 80%, there is basically no difference. When printing, there is no gap visible to the naked eye.

No matter which font you prefer to use, if there are both imitation Song Dynasty and imitation Song Dynasty in the body of a document, GB2312, if you say you are not Ctrl C + Ctrl V, then someone must believe it!

Also, a little more verbosity:

National standard official document format, all contents areNo bold, no bold, no bold.

Of course, in order to make it easier for leaders to read instructions, documents that are not too formal can also be bolded. Look at the leader’s eyes and the mood of the friends.

Personal originality, reprinting is welcome; mutual progress, exchanges are welcome. Let more friends not be criticized for the format of official documents.

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