Floral English font:Veteran drivers, get in the car quickly! Learn new PPT creative fonts first!-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Veteran drivers, get in the car quickly! Learn new PPT creative fonts first!

A good PPT is inseparable from suitable fonts. Today Kawagoe will introduce to you a PPT font tool, which is very good!

Her name is——AKUZITI

Akuziti is a site that supports online conversion of Chinese characters into artistic font effects. Currently, it supports cursive script, running script, official script, seal script, pen calligraphy, brush calligraphy, POP fonts, cursive English, digital fonts, etc. Enter the desired text and select commonly used font color to complete the conversion.

How to use it specifically?

When we make PPT, we can't always use Microsoft Yahei. Sometimes changing other fonts can give a different feeling! At this time, you don’t need to download the new font immediately. You can check what the font looks like on Akuziti, and then choose whether to download it!

The other one is creative fonts~ This website provides dozens of creative fonts, and it also supports transparent backgrounds. You can just right-click to download it locally and use it directly in PPT!

Below, let me give you an example:

How about it? Do you want to try it right away? ok~ No problem, the website is: http://www.akuziti.com/

Okay, that’s it for today’s article!

A person who always takes things seriously will not have bad luck! The harder, the more fortunate!

It’s not easy to be original. If today’s article helps you, you might as well forward it. Thank you.

See you next time

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Please follow my Weibo: Kawagoe PPT! WeChat: pptkecheng If you need practical PPT templates, please contact me

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/lao-si-ji-kuai-shang-che-PPT-chuang-yi-zi-ti-xian-xue-xin-hui.html

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