:Quickly find the value of the FDIST function-Table skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Quickly find the value of the FDIST function

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Returns the F probability distribution. Use this function to determine whether two data series differ in the degree of change.

For example, analyze the test scores of boys and girlsentering colleges and universities to determine whether the degree of change in girls' scores is different from that of boys.

X value used for function calculation.
Degrees_freedom1 Degrees of freedom of the molecule.
Degrees_freedom2 Degrees of freedom in the denominator.


If any parameter is a non-numeric value type, FDIST returns the error value #VALUE!.

If any of the following situations occur, Then FDIST returns the error value #NUM!.

1. x is a negative number
2. degrees_freedom1 < 1 or degrees_freedom1 ≥ 10^10
3. degrees_freedom2 < 1 or degrees_freedom2 ≥ 10^10

If degrees_freedom1 or degrees_freedom2 is not an integer, Will be truncated.

The calculation formula of function FDIST is FDIST =P(F>x).

Where F is a random variable with F distribution and degrees_freedom1 and degrees_freedom2 degrees of freedom.

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