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Come on! The competition for prize-winning essays has begun!

In order to encourage primary and secondary school students to actively participate in garbage classification activities, promote and practice the concept of green environmental protection, guide primary and secondary school students to "learn by doing" and "learn by doing", and strive to become small practitioners of campus garbage classification , striving to be a small leader in household waste classification, striving to be a small propagandist for community waste classification, and interpreting the new trend of Rizhao waste classification even more excitingly. Rizhao Urban Management Bureau, Rizhao Education Bureau, Rizhao Women's Federation, and Rizhao Daily jointly organized an essay contest on the theme of "separate garbage, make your home more beautiful".

Essay time< /span>

October 15, 2022 - November 15, 2022

Participating objects< /span>

Primary and middle school students in Rizhao City

Essay content< /span>

With the theme of "One point for garbage, ten points for home beauty", each contestant can only submit one article, with the essay within 1,000 words (subjects other than poetry)

Work requirements< /span>

(1) Write down your experiences based on your own and your family’s personal experience in participating in garbage sorting.

(2) Through personal experience, write down golden ideas and tips for better implementation of garbage classification.

(3) Write down your thoughts or book reviews by reading books and articles about garbage classification.

Submission method< /span>

The work should be submitted in electronic word format (Composition title No. 2 Founder Subscript Song Simplified Font, No. 3 imitation Song Dynasty font for the text, GB2312 font, 28 points line spacing throughout paragraphs), collect student works on a school basis and send to Email: For each work, please indicate the author’s school, grade, class, name, instructor, and parent contact number (please Be sure to leave your mobile phone number to prevent the author from being unable to be contacted after winning the prize).

Award setting (primary school group and middle school group)

Primary school group

First prize: 5 people, 300 yuan plus certificate of honor

Second Prize: 10 people, 200 yuan plus certificate of honor

Third Prize: 15 people, 1 garbage classification bag gift box and certificate of honor

Excellence Award: 30 people, only certificate of honor

Middle school group

First prize: 5 people, 300 yuan plus certificate of honor

Second Prize: 10 people, 200 yuan plus certificate of honor

Third Prize: 15 people, 1 garbage classification bag gift box and certificate of honor

Excellence Award: 30 people, only certificate of honor

Instructions< /span>

(1) The entries must be unpublished original works, and the entrants can confirm that they own the copyright of the works. The competition organizing committee does not assume any legal liability arising from disputes including (but not limited to) copyright, copyright, intellectual property rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, trademark rights, etc. If the above disputes arise, the competition organizing committee reserves the right to disqualify the relevant author from participating and RIGHT TO RECOVER AWARDS.

(2) The participating authors must provide true and valid personal information, including name, detailed mailing address, contact number, etc. This information will be used as the basis for copyright ownership of the work and event rewards. Responsibilities arising from inaccurate and incomplete information shall be borne by the entrant.

(3) Multiple submissions for one manuscript are strictly prohibited. Before the end of this competition, the entries cannot be published or published in print media alone or in a collection without the consent of the organizer. They cannot publish more than one-fifth of the content on other online media other than the designated website of the competition, and they are not allowed to participate. Any other form of literary contest or similar essay solicitation. Works that do not meet the above requirements will be disqualified, and the organizing committee reserves the right to pursue further action.

(4) There is no entry fee for this competition and no manuscripts will be returned. The competition organizing committee will enjoy the rights to all selected works on the WeChat platform (including but not limited to online display, media publication, published books, etc.) The permanent right of use in books, periodicals, Weibo, websites, promotional videos and other related promotional activities, and the copyright belongs to the author.

(5) The competition organizing committee has the final right to interpret this competition. All participants are deemed to agree to the rules and other entry requirements of this competition.

Consultation hotline: 0633—8727006

Come and submit your contributions

Tell your garbage classification story

Work hard together to make the city clean and beautiful

(Source: Rizhao Daily)

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