Thumbs up pictures:Just by looking at your thumbs, you can tell whether you are prone to obesity or body fat. Why don’t you try this method?-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Just by looking at your thumbs, you can tell whether you are prone to obesity or body fat. Why don’t you try this method?

There was a hot search two days ago. K-chan’s eyes lit up after reading it. Isn’t that just me?

Come on, come on, Having said that, why not everyone first test whether they are "prone to obesity" or "prone to weight loss"?

Step one: extend your thumb

Part 2: Compare the picture below

I’m done learning ? Ha, just kidding you, this is the test below. Please answer the following questions with "yes" or "no" and remember how many words you said "yes". Are you ready? 3 2 1,GO!

1. The body is not fat, but it has a lower abdomen.

2. Pear-shaped body with thin upper body and fat lower body.

3. The body gets tired easily and the spirit is not good.

4. Not easy to sweat.

5. Frequent constipation.

6. It is prone to swelling, especially the face and feet.

7. Walking speed is slow.

8. Hands and feet are particularly cold in winter.

9. Often have a bad appetite and like to be picky eaters.

10. It is difficult to wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night.

11. Irregular menstruation and often feel cold in the abdomen.

12. The skin is prone to acne and acne.

13. I often feel dry mouth.

14. The urine is small and yellowish in color.

Results Analysis

5 or less "Yes": It means that your body's metabolism is pretty good. Basically, you are not easy to gain weight. Physique, but you must pay attention to balanced nutrition, regular work and rest, and maintain basal metabolism.

6 — 9 "Yes":It means your body's metabolism is slow , if you are under 28 years old and have this problem, then the reason for your slow metabolism may not only be a natural phenomenon of increasing age, but also due to less muscle in the body, poor living habits, etc.

9 or more yeses:It means that your basal metabolic capacity is very weak and you have a "fat-prone physique". And there are more health problems in the body. You must change your eating habits as soon as possible, increase exercise, and improve the body's metabolic capacity, so as to solve your obesity problem.

The above small test Just for fun, but is there really such a thing as "physique"? Are the "Physique that is easy to gain weight" and "Physique that is easy to lose weight" that people often talk about science or metaphysics? How about I explain it clearly to you in this article today!

01 Why do people’s physiques differ?

In real life, We often hear two kinds of complaints:

‍♀️How do I Do you get fat just by drinking cold water?

‍♀️I am too If you lose weight, you won’t gain weight no matter how much you eat!

Why exactly? Are there "physiques prone to obesity" and "physiques prone to losing weight"? All of this may be related to genes.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Research by the Prevention Center shows that there are more than 400 genes related to obesity so far. These genes will make people more likely to gain weight by affecting appetite, satiety, metabolism, body fat distribution, etc. Among these genes, the most famous is a gene called FTO. Multiple studies have shown thatFTO gene mutations can increase people's appetite. The mechanism may be that FTO gene mutations can cause Ghrelin is higher than normal.

Under normal circumstances, Ghrelin levels increase before a meal and decrease after a meal, making people feel full and not hungry. However, when ghrelin levels are higher than normal, people are still prone to hunger after eating, and they are also strongly interested in high-energy foods. Therefore, people with FTO gene mutations are more likely to gain weight.

If it really exists "Physiques that are easy to gain weight", then, do those "physiques that are easy to lose weight" that can eat without gaining weight also exist as a matter of course? Don’t worry, let’s look at a set of experiments first.

Picture source: BBC documentary "Why Thin People Don't Get Fat"

Previously BBC (UK Broadcasting Company) has filmed a documentary experiment: "Why can't thin people gain weight?" 》. The program team found 10 people who claimed to "eat without getting fat" and asked them to eat 5,000 kcal of food every day, but walk up to 5,000 steps a day. After four weeks, these 10 people all fat

For example, the guy who gained the most weight

Gained a full 9.5% weight

Picture source: BBC documentary "Why Thin People Don't Get Fat"

And the one who gained the least weight

Also increased by 5.5%

Picture source: BBC documentary "Why Thin People Don't Get Fat"

So you see, As long as you consume more calories than you need daily and there is no way to burn them off through exercise,Yes Everyone will be fat.

02 Is the "fat-prone physique" really hopeless?

If you are " "Prone to obesity", is it really hopeless? In fact, as long as we adjust our eating patterns and change our living habits, we may not have to leave our body prone to obesity to fate.

Adjust eating patterns

For "Yi Fat For people with "physical constitution", it is necessary to adjust the eating pattern. If you used to eat like soup and rice, always have snacks, and like to drink flavored drinks... then you might as well give it a try

1️⃣Drink some water before meals. Doing this can increase the feeling of satiety and prevent you from not feeling the "full" signal and eating too much.

2️⃣Try to choose whole grain potatoes as staple food for each meal, such as taro, yam, oats, brown rice, whole wheat, etc. . Whole grain potatoes are rich in fiber, which can increase satiety and reduce the intake of large meals.

3️⃣Eat more protein. This is because appropriately increasing protein intake during fat loss can help people control appetite and relieve the pain of not being able to eat what they want. Remember, protein intake is your body weight in kilograms multiplied by 1.5. If you are 50 kg, you need to eat 75 grams of protein.

Picture source: BBC documentary "Why Thin People Don't Get Fat"

Change living habits

In the field of weight loss in the United States The three most famous authorities, George Bray, Claude Bouchard and W.P.T. James, also wrote in the "Obesity Handbook":Reducing calories and simply controlling calories is not a long-term solution to weight loss . You must know that good living habits can also help us achieve good fat loss results.

Picture source: BBC documentary "Why Thin People Don't Get Fat"

1️⃣Sleep well and promise me you won’t stay up late as much as possible. Previous research from King’s College London, UK, showed that people who sleep less than 7 hours a night will eat about 385 more calories the next day, Long-term lack of sleep will make you gain about a pound a week.

2️⃣Reduce sitting for long periods of time. Especially students and white-collar workers often slump in chairs and remain motionless. "Sitting for long periods of time" not only causes fat accumulation, but also causes muscle strain and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Don’t neglect everyday simplicity "Move", adequate exercise and appropriate strength training can increase our muscle mass and reduce our body fat rate. It not only increases daily energy consumption, but also makes our body look tighter and more beautiful.

Anyway, still As the old saying goes, Shut up, open your legs, eat scientifically, and exercise regularly. What about a physique that is prone to obesity? You can also improve it with exercise and dietary changes. You are the master of your own body.

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