Look at pictures and write ppt:Look at the pictures and tell the story of the Three-Character Sutra - Treat each other with admiration after seeing each other for three days | Wellin Family Aesthetic Education Picture Book 25-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Look at the pictures and tell the story of the Three-Character Sutra - Treat each other with admiration after seeing each other for three days | Wellin Family Aesthetic Education Picture Book 25

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A message to parents:

The 25th issue of Wellin's original illustrated picture book, Weigeng Aesthetic Education provides the idiom story "When a scholar leaves for three days, he should be treated with admiration". The story is derived from the Twenty-Four Histories "Three Kingdoms·Wu Zhi·Lu Meng".

"Three Character Classic" says: "If jade is not polished, it will not become a tool. If a person does not learn, he will not know the meaning."

Beautiful jade is precious. If it is just raw jade, it will not become a beautiful jade without careful carving. Jade also lost the possibility of becoming a useful artifact.

A person as talented as jade, if he does not cultivate himself through study, he will not know the morality of heaven, earth and the world, and he will be like a discarded jade, which makes people sigh!

People with ordinary talents should make up for their shortcomings through learning, improve self-cultivation, and become morally aware people.

Lu Meng may be such a person. Although there is a saying that "it is easy to change a country, but it is hard to change one's nature." But what is valuable about him is that when he knows that learning can help him break through bottlenecks in life, he can change his ways and become an admirable person. A general who is both civil and military.

Please ask us to share the story of Wellin's aesthetic education picture book "Being impressed after leaving for three days" with questions.

  1. Why did Lu Meng join the army?

  2. How did Lu Meng perform on the battlefield?

  3. Lu Meng didn't like reading and studying at first, but why did he like it again later?

  4. What kind of general do you think Lu Meng is?

  5. Do you like to read books? Please share a book you love.

"The rolling water of the Yangtze River flows eastward, and the waves wash away all the heroes." Those who have read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" must know that there is a general in the Wu Kingdom who is both wise and courageous, and has extraordinary courage. He is favored by Sun Quan. He is Lu Meng. However, when Lu Meng was young, he did not like reading.

When Lu Meng was sixteen years old, he was tall and burly, ambitious and ambitious. At that time, his brother-in-law Deng Dang was Jiangdong's capable general, so he secretly sneaked into the team without telling his family and followed his brother-in-law to fight. Deng Dang was very angry when he found out. Firstly, he felt that Lü Meng was still young and should not devote himself to the cruel battlefield prematurely; secondly, Lü Meng had not yet learned knowledge and art of war well, so he should not waste his studies to become a soldier. Deng Dang told Lu Meng's mother about this.

His mother was very angry and said sternly to Lu Meng: "At a young age, you did not study hard, learn the principles of life, master the art of war, and understand the way of governing the country, but you went to fight. Do you know that this will harm yourself?" Lu Mengbo did not give in: "Mother, studying will only waste time. If I can't lead troops to fight, I won't be appreciated by others. If I can't make contributions, I can only live in poverty. Although I put aside my studies to join the battlefield, this is to achieve a great cause. way!"

Seeing that her mother couldn't persuade him, she had no choice but to let him go. From then on, Lu Meng began his military career. He fought bravely and was highly appreciated by Sun Quan. However, because he had not read many books, he was short-sighted and was often looked down upon by others. Moreover, although he was decisive and brave, he was often restricted on the battlefield because he did not understand the art of war.

One day, King Sun Quan came to him and said sincerely: "You are a very potential general. If you can read more books from now on, you will definitely improve greatly."

Lu Meng said casually: "I am so busy with work every day, how can I find time to study!"

After hearing this, Sun Quan continued to persuade him: "Can you be busier than me? I am busy with the war all day long, but whenever I have free time, I must read some good books. I have already read the "Book of Songs", "Book of Records", "Book of Songs" and "Book of Songs". "Book of Rites", "Zuo Zhuan", "Guoyu", and now I am studying "Historical Records", "Hanshu" and the art of war of various schools. I feel that I have benefited a lot! You should think about it carefully!"

After hearing Sun Quan's words, Lu Meng felt very ashamed and started reading seriously from then on. He was originally very talented, but later he became a very knowledgeable person. Even those who once looked down on him admired him. Moreover, with a wealth of knowledge, Lu Meng became wise and brave, which was even more powerful for his combat ability. In the end, he finally stood out in the Three Kingdoms period where there were many talents and became a famous general.

Source of idiom story:

Hand drawn by: Wellin.

Edit: a big bowl

Review: Yu Fangfei

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