banner image:Take a look at these slogans and banners, and you will understand why we need to rely on the people.-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Take a look at these slogans and banners, and you will understand why we need to rely on the people.

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The situation of preventing and controlling the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus is severe. In some areas, local staff have hung up epidemic prevention propaganda banners to appeal to residents in a down-to-earth manner to do a good job in epidemic prevention. After reading these slogans and banners, you will understand why we must rely closely on the people to win the battle against epidemic prevention and control.

“Mask or ventilator, you always have to choose between the two”

"Wearing a mask is better than wearing a ventilator, and staying at home is better than staying in the ICU"

“Save a small amount of money by not wearing a mask, spend a lot of money by staying in bed for medical treatment”

“Have a bite of wild game today, and meet you in the underworld tomorrow”

“Those who don’t report a fever are class enemies lurking among the people”

“The meals we invite you to eat now are all Hongmen Banquets”

“Returning to your hometown with an illness is an unfilial son, and you will infect your parents and make them unconscionable”

“Don’t have dinner together so that you can still eat in the future; don’t visit each other so that you can still have relatives in the future”

“I visit everywhere today, but tomorrow pneumonia will come to my door”

"Those who come out to party are shameless people, and those who play mahjong together are desperadoes."

“Visiting each other means killing each other, and gathering together means committing suicide”

“If you don’t visit us during the New Year this year, those who come will be your enemies. Don’t open the door when your enemies come.”

“Stay at home to prevent infection, and you have to chase your father-in-law away when he comes”

These "earthy" slogan banners

As ruthless as a mudslide

But very "hardcore"

Achieved the purpose of epidemic prevention propaganda

Let us raise awareness of prevention together

Wear a mask

Reduce going out

Work together to win this battle against the epidemic!

Source: People’s Daily WeChat (ID: rmrbwx) Comprehensive

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