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School has started, and the bells at this high school are ringing with symphony music.

Caption: Nanyang Model Secondary School Symphony Orchestra Source/Interviewee provided

This morning, students from Shanghai Nanyang Model Middle School walked into the classroom. A melody from the sixth variation of "Variations on a Theme of Haydn" composed by Brahms. 40 minutes later, the first movement of Beethoven's Violin Sonata in F major "Spring" sounded, which means that the first class of the new semester ,class has ended.

These two pieces of music are the bell tones selected by Nanmo University for the new school year. , is also part of the school’s symphony specialty courses. At the opening ceremony, Hu Jiefei, the school's chief art director, introduced the stories behind two pieces of music to the students - the sixth variation of "Variations on a Theme by Haydn" begins with a slightly cheerful phrase in the brass part, and then the horns and trumpets add color to the music. The decoration is more gorgeous, as if it has returned to the nobility and elegance of Haydn's period, but without losing Brahms' usual implicit and affectionate feeling. This is the composer paying tribute to his predecessors in his own unique way. Hu Jiefei said, “This year coincides with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the 120th anniversary of the founding of Nanmo University. As a new generation of Nanmo people, we should also learn from Brahms’ inheritance and innovation, look back on history and look forward to the future. All Nanmo people I will work hard for the patriotic and honorable school." She told the students that the bell also contained a life force - Beethoven had a rough life. Due to hearing impairment, he could only communicate with others through writing, but he was lonely. Life did not make him depressed and disappointed. Although this "Spring" Sonata was composed after Beethoven became completely deaf, the work is smooth and soothing, like the spring breeze blowing slowly, full of hope and vitality. The younger generation of students should also love life like Beethoven and learn to use warmth and use. Strength and use joy to face the setbacks and difficulties in life, just as the school's new semester work theme says, "Strive to make everyone who I am today better than who I was yesterday."

"I hope that through three years, I can change the ringtones for starting and ending classes one after another. , so that students can leave some traces of classical music in their hearts." Hu Jiefei told reporters that the ringtones used before and after classes included the soundtrack written by Norwegian composer Grieg for Ibsen's poetic drama "Peer Gynt" "Morning Scene", "Song of Solveig", etc. Conductor Cao Peng, who has conducted the Nanmo Symphony Orchestra for many years, also chose the resounding "William Tell" overture as a class bell to wake up everyone for the day. vitality. What is gratifying is that every year, from this minute or so of ringing the get out of class bell, students gradually become fascinated by classical music and develop a strong interest in the history and culture behind it. Today, at Nanmo, symphony courses run through the three years of high school and have become a compulsory module in art courses. In this class, the teacher guides the students to introduce music works. The requirements are that they cannot "Baidu" or follow the script, and they can focus on a point of interest to them. The century-old school holds a concert to welcome each class of students before entering the first year of high school and graduating from the third year of high school.

On the program list of this year’s NMU Freshmen Welcome Symphony Concert, there is “The Sun” Three Chinese folk songs including "Come Out Joyful", "Fangma Folk Song" and "Double Flowers". Hu Jiefei said that in the future, local Chinese symphonic music works may also appear in the school bells, adding traditional beauty to the campus.

Xinmin Evening News chief reporter Lu Zihua

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