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"Kingsoft Document Education Edition User Guide: Getting Started Writing Test Questions"

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In the information age , we can not only write test questions and organize exams offline, but also use online tools to accomplish these tasks. Kingsoft Document is such a tool. It supports writing test questions and organizing exams online. After students submit their answer sheets, the system will automatically conduct unified scoring, making the entire process very convenient and fast.

The following are the steps on how to use Kingsoft Documentation to write online test questions and organize exams:

First, enter the official website of Jinshan Education and click "New - Online Collection Form". Next, you can directly create a new blank form or choose an appropriate template from the provided scene templates.

In the newly created form, you can choose to add candidate information and exams on the left Major and general question types. For candidate information, it can include name, class, gender, etc. If you need to insert major questions, you can directly click the "Examination Major Questions" module to add them. In order to realize the automatic scoring function, you can choose question types with automatic scoring function, such as single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions or true-false questions. In addition, common question types also include fill-in-the-blank questions, picture questions, etc.

After editing the content, don’t forget to set the name and remarks of the test paper. In the settings, you can also configure the exam time and score query. After completing these steps, use the preview function to see how the test will look in advance to make sure everything is as expected.

I hope this brief guide can help you master how to use Kingsoft Document for online test writing and exam organization.

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